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Fisheries Area Closures (Juvenile and Real Time) Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset provides the spatial extent of Real time closures (RTC) and Juvenile closures from April 2010 to December 2016. The purpose of RTCs was to ensure sufficient efforts were made to reduce...

Real Asset Management

Asset costs and values

Real Asset Management (RAM)

Database of fixed assets funded from admin capital funding.

Translink Northern Ireland Railway Real Time Passenger Information

This API provides near real time information about arrivals and departures for the Translink rail stations. Results are cached for 2 minutes for performance reasons. Clients querying the API can...

Real time energy use for Numbers 10, 11, 12 Downing Street

Real time energy consumption data for Numbers 10, 11, and 12 Downing Street. The live website can be accessed via...

WaveNet near real-time data feed - from the past 48 hours

These data are a subset of the WaveNet near real time data feed, consisting of telemetry (automatically transmitted data) from the Cefas operated Directional Wave Riders (DWR) within UK waters...

Time To Pay arrangements

Time to pay arrangements are bi-lateral arrangements between taxpayers and HMRC where and arrangement to pay tax due over an extended time period has been agreed. Updated: monthly.

Taxpayers' payments on time

Proportion of businesses and individuals (excluding employees who pay tax through PAYE) who pay tax on time

Taxpayers' payments on time

Proportion of businesses and individuals (excluding employees who pay tax through PAYE) who pay tax on time – we will use VAT as a lead indicator.

Time To Pay arrangements

Time to pay arrangements are bi-lateral arrangements between taxpayers and HMRC where and arrangement to pay tax cue over an extended time period has been agreed. Updated: monthly.

Real-time bioaerosol emission data from a range of environmental sources, UK, 2016-2018

The data offers insights to utility of single particle ultraviolet light- induced fluorescence (UV-LIF) measurements in providing quantification and spatio-temporal characterisation of bioaerosols...

Working Time Opt Out

Record of employees who have opted out of the European Working Time Directive

HMRC mid-year report to Parliament

The report demonstrates how HMRC have delivered major changes to the way we operate, such as using ‘real time’ ways of working for PAYE, which supports the move to Universal Credit by the...

Defra live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption data for Defra's headquarters building.

An Examination of Falling Real Wages

According to several ONS measures, real wages have been falling since 2010. This article uses ONS data to examine four possible factors behind this; productivity, real wage wedges, hours worked,...

Total dwelling stock (including non-permanent dwellings)

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Department for Education Gas and Electricity half hourly data

Department for Education real time energy consumption from 28th July 2010.

Ministry of Justice live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption for the Ministry of Justice headquarters building 102 Petty France.

Hospital Waiting Times

Provider based hospital waiting times for 1st outpatient appointments Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: National, Primary Care Trust (PCT),...

MOD Head Office live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption data for the MOD headquarter building MOD Main Building, Whitehall.