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46 results found

Hourly temperature, environmental parameter and Daphnia magna phenotypic and genetic change in mesocosms with manipulated experimental parameters, 2017-2019

This dataset contains information about hourly temperature variation, phenotypic and genetic change, and change in environmental parameters in a two-year mesocosm study designed to tease apart the...

Wild rodent trapping, tracking and sampling for genetics and gut microbiome, Silwood Park, Berkshire, November 2014 to November 2015

This data set is a combination of trapping data, tracking data and data on the genetic relatedness and gut microbiome composition of wild rodents caught in 2.3 ha study site in Nash’s Copse,...

Parentage assignments from a genetic pedigree of a wild population of banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

The data contains the genetic identity of parents (maternal and paternal identities and assignment probabilities) identified from DNA extracted from tail tips analysed using the MASTERBAYES...

GM Machinery

Adventitious Genetically Modified (GM) presence arising through use of shared farming machinery, transport and storage equipment

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Genotype data for three freshwater macroinvertebrate species in upland Wales, UK (2012-2013)

The resource consists of genotype data (genetic constitution of an individual organism) for three freshwater macroinvertebrate species, Amphinemura sulcicollis, Isoperla grammatica and Baetis...

The HALOGEN database

The HALOGEN (History, Archaeology, Linguistics, Onomastics and GENetics) database provides tabulated data from a cross-disciplinary research database which has been compiled, cleaned and...

Chloroplast DNA marker data for Acacia senegal

Data on genetic variation in Acacia senegal across its natural range, based on two chloroplast marker types - RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and microsatellites. Full details about...

2012 Vierna et al. North West Atlantic distribution of Ensis directus

We report current genetic variation of populations of the razor shell Ensis directus (Conrad 1843) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pharidae) in native (North American) and introduced (European) ranges using...

2012 Vierna et al. North West Atlantic distribution of Ensis directus

We report current genetic variation of populations of the razor shell Ensis directus (Conrad 1843) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pharidae) in native (North American) and introduced (European) ranges using...

Intergroup contests in banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) on the Mweya peninsula, Uganda, 2000-2019

These data are data on the outcomes of contests between groups of banded mongooses in Mweya Peninsula, Uganda. Data were collected between 2000 and 2019. The data include information on group...

Biogenetic Reserves

This is a spatial dataset containing the boundaries of Biogenetic Reserves in Wales. Biogenetic Reserves aim to conserve European flora, fauna and natural areas especially heathlands and dry...

Location data of worker bumblebees across an agricultural landscape in Buckinghamshire, UK

This dataset contains locations of worker bumblebees of five species (Bombus terrestris, B. lapidarius, B. pascuorum, B. hortorum, B. ruderatus) across an agricultural landscape centred on the...

Lifetime reproductive success and fitness estimates of long-tailed tits in the Rivelin Valley, Sheffield, UK, from 1994-2019

Dataset comprising data on the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of 879 individually marked long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus, a cooperatively breeding passerine. LRS is measured in terms of...

Comparative transcriptomics of a complex of four European pine species

Data from whole transcriptome sequencing of the four European pine species - Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), P. mugo (Dwarf mountain pine), P. uliginosa (Mountain pine) and P. uncinata (Peat-bog...

Family lineage and landscape quality data for wild bumblebee colonies across an agricultural landscape in Buckinghamshire, U.K.

Family lineage relationships between spring queens, daughter workers and sister queens of three bumblebee species (Bombus terrestris, B. lapidarius and B. pascuorum) collected across the Hillesden...

The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units.

The Lexicon of Named Rock Units provides definitions of lithostratigraphic, lithodemic, and litho-morpho-genetic geological units of the United Kingdom and its associated continental shelf. The...

The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units (April 2019)

The Lexicon of Named Rock Units provides definitions of lithostratigraphic, lithodemic, and litho-morpho-genetic geological units of the United Kingdom and its associated continental shelf. The...

The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units (September 2017)

The Lexicon of Named Rock Units provides definitions of lithostratigraphic, lithodemic, and litho-morpho-genetic geological units of the United Kingdom and its associated continental shelf. The...

Standardised counts of bacteria, fungi and micro eukaryotes abundances across geo-linked sampling locations on grassland, UK (2016)

The data consist of standardised counts of taxon abundances (bacteria, fungi and micro eukaryotes) from soil samples collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems, including low...