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G8 Social Impact Investment Forum mailing list

List and contact details of people invited to G8 Social Impact Investment Forum.

London Site Business Continuity Contact Data

A data set in two parts - one in MS WORD, the other in MS EXCEL - that contains: names; telephone numbers (business telephone numbers, home telephone numbers, mobile telephone numbers, pager...

Stockport Property Addresses

List of property addresses in Stockport derived from the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG)

Dartford Crossing (electronic)

Payment System - Names, addresses (inc e-mail), telephone numbers, vehicles registration, bank / credit card details, for users of DART-Tag.

Driver Details Government Mail

Driver phone and home address next of Kin details

Customer Details Government Mail

Customer details including collection/delivery addresses /contractual info

Unicorn Computer System

software system which contains names, addresses, e-mails, phone numbers for all of those who import or export CITES goods or apply for A10 certificates in the UK and Internationally.

A&E weekly data

The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...


British Council - On-line recruitment system with details of vacancies and applications (both internal and external)

SHARP Database

Safety Helmet Assessment and Rating Programme (SHARP) - Database of e-mail contacts who have requested regular safety information from DfT

Marine Accident Investigation Branch Contacts address book

Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) Outlook-based list of contacts

Understanding and addressing the biodiversity impact of controlling Phytophthora on heathland

Report (pdf) contains data in tables that can be used under Open Government Licence. 1.1. Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae are two fungus-like pathogens which affect a range of...

AddressBase Core

In this ever-changing environment you need to have confidence that you're using the latest and most up-to-date addressing data. AddressBase Core is released weekly, keeping you more up to date with...

Dartford Crossing (paper)

Payment System - Names, addresses (inc e-mail), vehicle registration, bank / credit card details, evidence for charge concessions (e.g. for local residents / disabled motorists) for users of DART-Tag.

Central and Local Government Unregistered Land

A list of central and local government land in England, which may not be registered with HM Land Registry (HMLR). HMLR has created this dataset for the Ministry for Housing, Communities and...

Marine Accident Investigation Branch Forensically copied evidence

Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) - Any sort of electronic data gathered in the course of an investigation including: hard drives, e-mail streams, electronic chart/GPS downloads

Thermal Inactivation Model for Hepatitis E Virus

This model was generated as part of FSA-funded research project FS301062. The model includes a collection of thermal stability data on Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the published literature and...

Allerdale Social Land Addresses

Allerdale Social Landlord Addresses expressed as polygon extents of the properties under a Registered Social Landlord.

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

A&E and Ambulance weekly data

Weekly data on A&E activity and patients waiting over 4 hours for admission, transfer or discharge, as well as ambulance data including numbers of urgent journeys and Category A and B...