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Working Age Client Group (WACG) - Percentages

Percentage of people claiming key benefits as a proportion of the working age population. The information is derived from count data which are already held on the Neighbourhood Statistics website:...

Duration on working-age benefits, Great Britain

This release looks at a snapshot of claimants each year and examines the total duration those individuals had spent in receipt of one or more of the main DWP working-age benefits over the preceding...


A Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique numeric identifier for every addressable location in Great Britain, found in OS's AddressBase products. An addressable location may be any kind...


A dataset of unique identifiers for a wide range of landscape and built environment features, with a generalised location, extracted from OS MasterMap products. A TOID (Topographic Identifier) is...

Ageing Population

Percentage of the total population who are of retirement age (60+ Females, 65+ Males), by SOA.

Working Age

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to working age adults’ health in Camden.


A dataset containing all USRNs from OS MasterMap Highways Network with a simplified line geometry. A Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) is a unique and persistent identifier for every street,...

All-cause mortality – 12 months following a first emergency admission to hospital for heart failure in people aged 16 and over (CCGOIS 1.21)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of deaths that occur in the 12 months following a person’s first emergency admission episode with a primary diagnosis of heart failure in a three year...

Conceptions for those aged under 16

Conceptions for those aged under 16 as a proportion of all 13-15 year olds Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and Health Outcomes Knowledge...

Residential and nursing care: aged 65+

The number of older people aged 65 or over admitted to supported permanent residential and nursing care during the year. Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission...

TSP 8: Age Distribution of UK Regular Forces

UK regular forces strengths by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 8

Provision for Children Under Five Years of Age in England

Statistics on provision for children under five and include data on the numbers of three and four year old children benefiting from some free early years education. Source agency:...

NI 137 - Healthy life expectancy at age 65

The measure uses a self-reported health assessment, applied to life expectancy data. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority...

NI 120 - All-age all cause mortality

The directly age and sex standardised mortality rate per 100,000 population, from all causes at all ages. Deaths include all causes classified by underlying cause of death (ICD-10 A00-Y99,...

NI 151fm- Overall Employment rate (working-age)

This is the proportion of the working age population (16-59 for females and 16-64 for males) who are in employment according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition.

NI 151f - Overall Employment rate (working-age)

This is the proportion of the working age population (16-59 for females and 16-64 for males) who are in employment according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition.

NI 151 - Overall Employment rate (working-age)

This is the proportion of the working age population (16-59 for females and 16-64 for males) who are in employment according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition.

NI 137 - Healthy life expectancy at age 65

The measure uses a self-reported health assessment, applied to life expectancy data.

NI 120 - All-age all cause mortality

The directly age and sex standardised mortality rate per 100,000 population, from all causes at all ages. Deaths include all causes classified by underlying cause of death (ICD-10 A00-Y99,...

OS Open Built Up Areas

OS Open Built Up Areas represents the built up areas of Great Britain and contains three unique datasets, offering maximum flexibility to meet your needs: Built Up Areas, Built Up Extents and Non...