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62 results found

Listing of publishable central government tender documentation for tenders over £10,000

The Contracts Finder site contains the listing of publishable central government tender and contract information and documentation. This applies for all procurement over £10,000. The published...

Establishments approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain

Check if establishments in EU and non-EU countries are approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). Check the list of EU establishments...

Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) register of licence holders.

The public register of AALA licence holders is a legislative requirement (regulation 13 of The Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 2004). The register has been publicly available since...

OS Open Linked Identifiers

OS Open Linked Identifiers provides authoritative relationship between UPRNs, USRNs, TOIDs and meta data to enable reliable matching; for greater data connectivity. Authoritative relationships OS...

Reproductive output and adult lifespan of 308 invertebrate species subjected to temperature variations, from a meta-analysis of published literature

[This dataset is embargoed until December 31, 2024]. This dataset contains extracted data from studies reporting the effect of temperature on animal reproduction and adult lifespan. To identify...

Monthly Overseas Trade Statistics datasets and importers details

These are downloadable open format versions of the complete monthly Overseas Trade Statistics (OTS) and Importers Details datasets, with a 6 year archive of past data. They are published by HM...

Business Rates Data March 2017

March 2017 business rates data, excluding sole traders

Refund Certificate Files

Registered files containing export claim data. Traders name, address, RPA registered trader no, Finance data.

Better Business Partnership

The Better Business Partnership (BBP) is the trusted trader scheme operating in Perth and Kinross. The aim is to help traders comply with the law while improving consumer protection through a...

No cold-calling zones

No cold-calling zones within the Bristol boundary.No cold-calling zones aim to deter uninvited doorstep traders from calling at houses within the zone.

Inventories for the Alkaline Fen and Transition Mire and Quaking Bog Annex 1 habitats in England

This is a new stand-alone inventory that incorporates all vegetation types that fit within the EC Habitats Directive Annex 1 habitats ‘Alkaline Fens' (AF) and 'Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs'...

Email license application database

email addresses of traders

No Cold Calling Zones

A no cold calling zone is a designated area where the resident community declare they no longer wish to accept traders calling at their home without an appointment. The zone is designated via the...

Email Refund Certificate Applications database

Holds email addresses of traders

Export Licence Files

Trader name, address, registered RPA no. Licence data. Transport Import documents

Covid-19 - Business Support Grants

The data published shows the different Covid-19 business support grants paid to eligible businesses and charities by Leicester City Council. The grants were funded by the UK Government.In line with...

Council Spending

Transparency is at the heart of this government. As part of our ongoing commitment to increase openness and transparency we publish details of spend made to our suppliers. From 1 October 2018...

South Lakeland District Council Business Rates

Full list of non-domestic properties in South Lakeland, Business Rates list showing the rateable value, any reliefs, annual charge and the properties occupied status. As of September 2018, we...

VAT registered enterprises by broad industry group

Counts of enterprises by broad industry group Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super...

Nitrogen isotopic composition of microbial biomass grown in the laboratory under N2-fixing conditions

Nitrogen isotopic composition of microbial biomass grown in the laboratory under N2-fixing conditions. Also included are meta-data that describe the experimental conditions. The conditions were...