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WWNP Wider Catchment Woodland Potential

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...

Pottery Fields rain gauge rainfall data

This dataset has been released as a one-off extra dataset to supplement the existing [rain gauge rainfall data](/dataset/rain-gauge-rainfall-data) for the FloodHack16 hack event held at ODI Leeds...

Map based index (GeoIndex) rock samples

The map shows the localities where samples that form part of the BGS rock collections have been taken. Many of these samples are from surface exposure, and were collected by BGS geologists during...

Social housing asset value

Leeds City Council provides data on the value of its social housing assets in accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code. Please note ----------- * As the value may differ between...

Number of days taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events (DWP measure)

Number of days taken to process Housing Benefit new claims and change events (DWP measure). This establishes the average time it takes to process a new Housing Benefit claim or a change in...

Newcastle City's open space

The amount and the quality of the City’s open space, greenery, and other recreation facilities is crucial to its liveability, and the health and well-being of residents and visitors. These...

Conservation measures for individual bird species: Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012)

This dataset lists conservation measures that were taken (i.e. which are already being implemented) for the species during the 2008-2012 reporting period. This information formed part of the Tenth...

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) Mineral Planning Permissions Scanned Maps

These are scanned and georeferenced raster versions of the 1400 Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) Mineral Planning Permissions Maps (see associated metadata). The 1:25000 scale maps...

Public Rights of Way

The Digitised Public Rights of Way data layer shows the locations of registered public rights of way in Nottinghamshire. It is derived from the paper sources that comprise the Definitive Map and...

Public Sector - apprenticeship targets

The public sector apprenticeship target was introduced by government in April 2017 in accordance with The Public Sector Apprenticeship Targets Regulations 2017.  Public sector bodies, including...

Planning Application Lawful Development Certificate

Guidance, criteria and forms for Lawful Development Certificates can be found below. If you want to be certain that the existing use of a building is lawful for planning purposes or that your...

Strategic Industrial Locations

Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) are designated in the London Plan comprise Preferred Industrial Locations (PILs) and Industrial Business Parks and exist to ensure that London provides...

Site Allocations

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all site allocations within the London Borough of Sutton which have been formally designated in the adopted Site Development Policies Development Plan...

Strategic Industrial Locations in The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames

Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) are a London Plan designation and exist to ensure that London provides sufficient quality sites, in appropriate locations, to meet the needs of industrial and...

Article 4 Direction - Ipswich Borough Council

The Article 4 Directions in Ipswich are applied within the boundaries of existing conservation areas and enhance the protection offered by the conservation area designations. In most instances they...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C9b, Plant genetic resources - Enrichment Index

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C9b, Plant genetic resources - Enrichment Index. The UK is relatively rich in wild relatives of crops, landraces of cereal,...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Risk Contribution

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer showing the proportion of the combined risk resulting from the primary flood source input...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Suitability

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer giving an indication of the scale it is appropriate to use the RoFMS, grouped into 5 bands. Our...

UK Biodiversity Indicator D1b, Removal of greenhouse gases by UK forests

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator D1b, Removal of greenhouse gases by UK forests. The benefits that humans receive from the environment have become more widely...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Risk Band

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer showing risk of flooding from multiple sources, grouped into 4 bands. Our Risk of Flooding from...