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493 results found

Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: Borough Level

Part of Release: Official Sub-Ward, Ward and Borough level crime counts. Choose from the three data sets (‘Sub-Ward data’, ‘Ward data’ or ‘Borough data’) according to your requirements. This page...

Get Active Grant Fund

The Council announced in June 2016 a £10,000 funding boost that will encourage people in Colchester to get more active and take part in local physical activities. Not for profit clubs, groups and...

Colchester Big Choice Grant Fund

Six organisations were selected after thousands of votes were cast by the residents of Colchester between 22 February and 4 March 2016. More information about these grants for 2016/17 is available...

Get Active Grant Fund

The Council announced in June 2016 a £10,000 funding boost that will encourage people in Colchester to get more active and take part in local physical activities. Not for profit clubs, groups and...

Colchester Big Choice Grant Fund

Six organisations were selected after thousands of votes were cast by the residents of Colchester between 22 February and 4 March 2016. More information about these grants for 2016/17 is available...

Inorganic and tracer data for groundwaters collected in Nigeria and Mali in 2010 as part of a project to look at residence times of shallow groundwater in West Africa and to assess the implications for hydrogeology and resilience to climate change.

The data includes field chemistry, major and minor ions (ICP-MS and IC), nutrients (DOC), and tracers (Tritium, CFCs, SF6, δ18O, δ2H, δ13CDIC) collected in Nigeria and Mali in 2010. There is a...

OSNI Open Data - 50K Transport - Text labelling

OSNI Open Data 50k Transport Text. The transport layer contains all motorways, A, B, C class and minor roads in Northern Ireland. OSNI 1:50,000 transport layer is a vector dataset providing...

OSNI Open Data - 50K Transport - Transport Points

OSNI Open Data 50k Transport Points. The transport layer contains all motorways, A, B, C class and minor roads in Northern Ireland. OSNI 1:50,000 transport layer is a vector dataset providing...

OSNI Open Data - 50K Transport - Transport lines

OSNI Open Data 50k Transport Lines. The transport layer contains all motorways, A, B, C class and minor roads in Northern Ireland. OSNI 1:50,000 transport layer is a vector dataset providing...

OSNI Open Data - 50K Transport - Transport lines

OSNI Open Data 50k Transport Lines. The transport layer contains all motorways, A, B, C class and minor roads in Northern Ireland. OSNI 1:50,000 transport layer is a vector dataset providing...

OSNI Open Data - 50K Transport - Text labelling

OSNI Open Data 50k Transport Text. The transport layer contains all motorways, A, B, C class and minor roads in Northern Ireland. OSNI 1:50,000 transport layer is a vector dataset providing...

OSNI Open Data - 50K Transport - Transport Points

OSNI Open Data 50k Transport Points. The transport layer contains all motorways, A, B, C class and minor roads in Northern Ireland. OSNI 1:50,000 transport layer is a vector dataset providing...

Annual Fraud Indicator

The Annual Fraud Indicator (AFI) is a compendium of fraud loss indicators which strives to provide a best estimate of the scale of the problem and raise awareness. In line with Fighting Fraud...

Local Development Plan: Development Management Zones (Settlement Zone) - Argyll and Bute

Development Management Zones designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015. For the purposes of this plan the term settlement applies to the following development management...

Interim 2015-based projections documentation

Results Results documents outling the outputs from the Trend and Housing-led models are available below. A set of ward projections profiles are available to download here .   Methodology The...

Pay - male and female employees

Gender pay gap reporting is due to be introduced nationally for all employers from 2017. This shows a snapshot of the Council as at March 2016. All staff are included in the calculation for the...

Council house bids and lettings

A dataset providing the number of bids per letting, by year, area, property type. Also contained is information about the winning applicant's housing priority and the year in which they were...

Recorded Crime Summary Data for London: LSOA Level

Part of Release: Official Sub-Ward, Ward and Borough level crime counts. This is the most accurate data available for counting numbers of crimes in London according to official recorded crime...

Locality Budget Grants

Small annual grant scheme of £2,000 for each Ward Councillor to initiate new projects or to provide additional funding to match already committed resources. The budgets can be used for projects...

Locality Budget Grants

Small annual grant scheme of £2,000 for each Ward Councillor to initiate new projects or to provide additional funding to match already committed resources. The budgets can be used for projects...