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Digitised fish spawning distribution adapted from the Olsen 1883 Piscatorial Atlas

The dataset is a collection of Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles showing the general distribution and spawning distribution of 14 fish species selected from the 46 maps in O.T....

Small pelagic fish sampling programme 2018/19 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) project was a collaboration between industry and scientists, responding to the need for data from the main small pelagic fisheries in the South West coast...

Whitefish bycatch in sandeel fishing areas 2003/04 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Survey to measure the whitefish bycatch taken by a 16mm commercial sandeel net, fished at a time when juvenile gadoids could be settling around the Dogger Bank.

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important areas for fixed salmon netting around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2021 Okeanos Casablanca fishing port Morocco Rhincodon typus bycatch sighting

In February 2021 a whale shark was observed to be caught as bycatch by a bottom trawler at Casablanca fishing port, Morocco. The species was first identified in a photo posted in february 2021 on...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 02 - Cefas Fishing Survey System

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. The Fishing Survey...

Coastal fish survey, western North Sea, September 2022 (FSS: COASTSHRMM)

A one-off survey was conducted between 26 and 27 September 2022 to sample fish populations, at inshore locations off Clacton and Frinton, Essex. Sites were generally comprised of sandy sediments...

Database of critical oxygen level (Pcrit) in freshwater and marine fishes 1974 - 2015

This is a comprehensive database of critical oxygen (Pcrit) values from freshwater, marine and euryhaline teleost fish compiled from published literature. The database incorporates 331...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important areas for fixed salmon netting around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2021 Okeanos Casablanca fishing port Morocco Rhincodon typus bycatch sighting

In February 2021 a whale shark was observed to be caught as bycatch by a bottom trawler at Casablanca fishing port, Morocco. The species was first identified in a photo posted in february 2021 on...

Fladen experimental fishing impact recovery data 2015 - 2m Beam Trawl

Total count and biomass in grams of taxa identified from 2m beam trawl samples of the seabed, with associated station information. Samples were collected using a 2m scientific beam trawl at...

Species point records from 1984 NCC/OPRU Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...

Habitat point records from 1984 NCC/OPRU Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...

Eel Management Plans

Environment & Business - Land and Water. A European Union Regulation requires member states to produce Eel Management Plans (EMP), in a bid to halt and reverse the decline in eel. The...

Salmonid and freshwater fisheries statistics - Supplementary data tables

These data provide the declared final salmonid rod and net catches in England, Wales and the Border Esk. The catch data represents declared catches. Catch data is reported annually via catch...

Species point records from 1988 UMBSM Lochs a' Chairn Bhain, Glencoul & Glendhu survey

Loch Cairnbawn is one of the most northerly of Scottish sea lochs, only Lochs Laxford, Dughaill and Inchard lying further north on the west coast. The `Y'-shaped loch system, comprising Lochs a'...

Habitat point records from 1988 UMBSM Lochs a' Chairn Bhain, Glencoul & Glendhu survey

Loch Cairnbawn is one of the most northerly of Scottish sea lochs, only Lochs Laxford, Dughaill and Inchard lying further north on the west coast. The `Y'-shaped loch system, comprising Lochs a'...

Species point records from 1984 Dyrinda Poole Harbour (south) sublittoral survey

Dredge, grab and diving survey. Divided into 2 areas: a) upstream with muddy substrate; b) downstream with coarser sediments. 'Upstream Area' epibenthos dominated by mobile species - large numbers...

Habitat point records from 1984 Dyrinda Poole Harbour (south) sublittoral survey

Dredge, grab and diving survey. Divided into 2 areas: a) upstream with muddy substrate; b) downstream with coarser sediments. 'Upstream Area' epibenthos dominated by mobile species - large numbers...

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities Web Feature Service (WFS)

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...