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596 results found

Financial reports on Local Authority planned budgets for their education and children's social care functions:

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care budget statement. These...

Full-time teaching assistants in maintained schools

Full-time teaching assistants in maintained nursery, primary, secondary, special schools and pupil referral units in England: January 1997 to 2004. Source: Department for Education and Skills...

Pupil attainment: Attainment gap at KS2 and KS4 between FSM and non FSM pupils

The difference in educational attainment between pupils receiving Free School Meals (FSM) and pupils not receiving Free School Meals at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 Source: Department for...

Price Adjustment Formulae for Construction Contracts

Used in conjunction with the formulae price adjustment method of adjusting building and civil and specialist engineering contracts. These statistics are now produced by BCIS and can be found on...

English Business Survey

The English Business Survey provides a high level view of business and economic conditions across the country over a range of backward and forward looking directional indicators including output,...

Local Authority cross border movement matrix of school pupils resident in England (primary, secondary, special),

Matrix of movement of pupils to schools outside of their Local Authority of residence for primary secondary and special school pupils resident in England Source: Department for Education and...

Notifications of licensed work (and some types of non-licensed work) with asbestos

Notification required by EU Directive 2009/148/EC on the protection of workers from the risk of exposure to asbestos. Generally, the removal of asbestos has to be done by contractors who are...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1: Achieving Level 2 or above

National Curriculum Assessments of 7 year olds in England: Proportion of pupils achieving level 2 or above in Reading, Writing, Maths or Science Key Stage 1 Source: Department for Education and...

Care leaver qualifications

Young people who ceased to be looked after in the year ending 31 March aged 16 or over with at least 1 GCSE or GNVQ Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...

School Revenue Balances

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

Additional Statistics on Student Support Applications to Student Finance England

Provides provisional statistics showing how applications for student support in higher education are progressing through the processing stages and showing the number of payments made to students in...

Pupil attainment: Level 3 qualifications by pupil characterisitcs

Number of 16-18 year old candidates and average score per candidate for level 3 assessments (post 16) and No. achieving level 3 qualifications by pupil ethnicity Source: Department for Education...

Pupil attainment at GCSE by key pupil characteristics

GCSE attainment by different pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity, eligibility for free school meals (FSM), special educational needs (SEN) and English as a first...

Science, Engineering and Technology Indicators

The Science, Engineering and Technology Indicators, or SET Statistics, are a summary of key indicators covering government financing of science, engineering and technology, research and development...

Care Leavers in education or employment

Number and percentage of former care leavers who were in education, training or employment on their 19th birthday, who were looked after on 1 April in their 17th year Source: Department for...


Info for and about businesses and workers in the borough

Research & Development spatial data tool

BEIS and Nesta have co-developed a research and development (R&D) spatial data tool to allow users to access, visualise and compare indicators that show the scale of R&D systems at a...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 3 by IDACI

Percentage of pupils achieving level 5 or above in Key Stage 3 tests by quintised Income Deprivation Affecting Children's Index (IDACI) scores Source: Department for Education and Skills...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by ACORN category

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by ACORN category Source: Department for Education and...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 by key pupil characteristics

Key Stage 1 attainment by different pupil characteristics, specifically gender, ethnicity, eligibility for free school meals (FSM), special educational needs (SEN) and English as a first...