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Average Age In Days at Death for Under 30 Month Old Cattle 2014

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains slaughterhouse deaths, non cancelled animals, non cancelled movements, animals 30 months or under at time of death. Attribution...

Fire statistics: Incident level datasets

This information covers fires, false alarms and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information...

NHS IT Survey

NHS IT survey was circulated to NHS organisations between September and November 2011. The survey was designed to collect high level data about systems and suppliers used within the NHS....

New Deal for Disabled People: Tabulation tool

New Deal for Disabled People is a programme of advice and practical support, which helps people move from disability and health-related benefits into paid employment. Taking part is on a voluntary...

Fire statistics: Fire and Rescue Authorities: other data

This information covers fires, false alarms and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information...

BIS Sickness Absence

BIS produced sickness absence datasets based on different time series between January 2012 and December 2015. The established employees included also varied during this period. In 2012, figures...

Immigration Enforcement data

This record contains data on: the number of records in the migration refusal pool; the breakdown of those eligible for deportation; family returns; the average cost per day to hold an individual in...

Secondary School Applications and Offers in England

Information about secondary school applications and offers received by parents on National Offer Day as provided by local authorities. Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics...

NI 181 Time taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events

The average time taken in calendar days to process all new claims and change events in Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: DCLG...

Land (Register of Surplus Land)

This land dataset includes land parcel boundaries for e-PIMS records marked on the Register. This may be extended to other land records in the future. Currently it provides information on the...

Register of Surplus Land

*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** The Register provides information on the availability of surplus land for those government departments and their sponsored bodies which fall under the...

Bona Vacantia Unclaimed Estates and Adverts

The Bona Vacantia Division advertises the estates of deceased persons for kin to identify their own entitlement. The list available below contains all unclaimed estates held by the Bona...

BEIS Prompt Payment Data

These datasets represent the percentage of invoices paid by the Department within 5 and 30 days of receipt. The data is shown in yearly quarters as required by Public Contracts Regulation...

Children’s Social Care Workforce Collection

The children's social care workforce collection collects data at an local authority aggregated level on the number of social workers, vacancies, starters, leavers, agency workers and the number of...

Hip fracture: timely surgery (CCGOIS 3.12)

Of people aged 60 and over with hip fracture, the percentage who receive surgery on the day of, or the day after, admission, 95% confidence intervals (CI). Current version updated: Dec-16 Next...

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Average time from arrest to sentence for persistent young offenders

Average number of days from arrest to sentence (three-month rolling averages) for persistent young offenders Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: Police...

% of Adults (aged 16+) who have taken part in sport and physical activity at least twice in the last 28 days

% of Adults (aged 16+) who have taken part in sport and physical activity at least twice in the last 28 days *This indicator has been discontinued

Friends and Family Test

The responses of maternity patients, and patients who have been treated in an acute setting as inpatients or in A&E, to the question "how likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E...

Direct access audiology Referral to treatment (RTT) times

Referral to treatment (RTT) times for patients whose 18 week clock stopped during the month for reasons other than an inpatient/ day case admission. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher:...