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Article 4 Designations in Oxford City Council Administrative Area

Article 4 designations in Oxford City

Parks and Countryside Sites in Oxford City Council Administrative Area

Parks and Countryside Sites in Oxford City Council Administrative Area

Bristol City Council B-Open Wi Fi Hotspots

This data-set provides the postcodes and the locations for Bristols Free B-Open Wi-Fi hotspots helping citizens and visitors get online.

Peterborough City Council - Percentage of older people in expensive placements

Percentage of older person’s placements funded by the LA subject to a higher price than the basic spot contract bed prices.

Peterborough City Council - Budget spend on older person services

Peterborough City Council budget spend on older person's services

Peterborough City Council - Social and affordable housing allocations by nationality

Proportion of new social and affordable housing allocations by nationality in Peterborough.

Sheffield City Council Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Zones

The CIL charging zones dataset shows the chargeable amount for each zone in accordance with the CIL charging schedule. It enables developers/applicants to determine which CIL rate is applicable to...

Derby City Council Planning Applications from 2003 to present

Planning applications made to Derby City Council from October 2003 and is kept current, recorded as polygons

Salford City Council Land and property assets (Transparency Code)

This dataset provides information on Salford City Council's land and building assets. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014. The...

Newcastle City Council senior salaries and scale of local authority

A dataset providing the senior salary job titles and pay bands.  Also available are key stats Employment Council headcount as of the 26th february 2013 - 13,232. This figure is calucalted on the...

St Albans City and District Council Play Areas

Childrens play areas for ages 0-18 years with a range of play equipment available. Includes skateboard parks and BMX tracks.

St Albans City and District Council Parks and Gardens

Public parks and gardens, maintained by St Albans City and District Council, Parish Councils and other external bodies.

St Albans City and District Council Allotment Sites

Allotment sites. Includes those managed by the District Council, Parish Councils and other external bodies.

St Albans City and District Council Polling Stations

Location of St Albans City and District Council's polling stations for local and national elections and referendums.

St Albans City and District Council Polling Districts

St Albans City and District Council's polling district boundaries for local and national elections and referendums.

St Albans City and District Council Settlement Boundaries

St Albans City and District Council settlement boundaries. Based on District Plan from 1994.

Payment performance statistics

In accordance with the public Contracts Regulations 2015 regulation 113(7), Leeds City Council publishes statistics showing how far the authority has complied with its obligations under this...

Council spending

The government recommends that local authorities publish expenditure over £500 and all expenditure made on purchasing cards. As of January 2014 and in line with our commitment to openness and...

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN)

This dataset shows where fixed penalty notices have been issued by Leeds City Council. It shows the amount of fine issued, how much was paid or whether it was cancelled. Fixed Penalty Notices...

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Derby City Council

This page lists reports of individual payments from Derby City Council to suppliers with a value over £500 made within a particular month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's...