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233 results found

World Heritage Sites (WMS)

World Heritage Sites are described by UNESCO as exceptional places of ‘outstanding universal value’ and ‘belonging to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are...

World Heritage Sites

World Heritage Sites are described by UNESCO as exceptional places of ‘outstanding universal value’ and ‘belonging to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are...

Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC)

Overview The Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC) data identifies green infrastructure, green infrastructure function (or ecosystem service) and pinch point mapping for the Black...

Business Properties - Complete List

All business rateable properties including: Property Reference; Property Address; Property Postcode; Property Description; Liable Party Name; Rateable Value; Liability Start Date; Relief Indicator;...

London Business Survey 2014 - London as a place to do business

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

GLA Poll Results

The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. The results from these polls appear on this page. December 2017 – Rail services Link to PDF of topline (PDF) November 2017 – Workplace...

National Forest Estate Recreation Areas GB

A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). There are a number of Asset Types..... Vehicle - Purpose built and installed FC...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Forest Recreation Areas

A recreation area feature which is managed and has a physical boundary (e.g. a car park, play area or building). There are a number of Asset Types: - Vehicle: Purpose built and installed...

Devon County Council Community Directory

The Directory: a) aims to provide an information directory for use by the public and DCC staff working on behalf of the public, on individuals and organisations who provide local services to...

Wigan Council Asset Boundaries

The Council’s property portfolio is spread throughout the Borough and includes, e.g. community schools, libraries, sports centres, parks, cemeteries, open space, social care premises, car parks,...

Proposals Map Data

The proposals map for Salford reflects the spatial policies of the adopted development plan. It contains policies from the UDP, the Minerals DPD and the Waste DPD. The datasets included are listed...

Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

National Trust Open Data: Land - Always Open

This is National Trust land to which the public has access on foot only – either by right (in the case of designated ‘Access Land’ under the Countryside (Rights of Way) Act 2000 (CRoW)) or by...