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2,240 results found

Residential Support Scheme AS1 Form

Data is collected by the LSS (on behalf of the EFA) from institutions with students receiving support from the Residential Support Scheme to confirm if the student(s) have completed the academic...

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Residential Allocation

Sites allocated in the Helmsley Plan for future housing use and development. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of...

Thurrock LDF Adopted Green Belt Residential Frontages

Shows the Major Developed Sites in the Green Belt in the Local Development Framework (LDF), Adopted December 2011 Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

Ryedale District Council Land Allocated for Residential Use

Land Allocated for Residential Use for Ryedale District Council Local Planning Authority Area

Hackney Article 4 Directions - Retail to Residential Use

Article 4 Direction (A4D) is part of planning legislation that allows the Council to remove permitted development rights including changes of use from an area or a particular property. This dataset...

Hackney Article 4 Directions - Office to Residential Use

Article 4 Direction (A4D) is part of planning legislation that allows the Council to remove permitted development rights including changes of use from an area or a particular property. This dataset...

Residential completions v London Plan 2021 target

No description provided

Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property

Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property

Performance Dashboard Sale of veterinary medicines: applications for special treatment certificates

This dashboard shows information about how the Sale of veterinary medicines: applications for special treatment certificates service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The...

Applications for Advanced Learning Loans in Further Education (FE)

Advanced Learning Loans applications operational data. Contains data supplied by applicant in support of the application; and the assessment outcome.

DBS Registered Bodies submitting over 1500 applications

Excel spreadsheet detailing a list of all Registered Bodies who have submitted over 1500 applications during the past 12 months (1/1/12 - 31/12/12). The spreadsheet further provides the address of...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polyline)

This dataset is an extract of the polyline features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (polygon)

This dataset is an extract of the polygon features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Licences and Applications (point)

This dataset is an extract of the point features captured in the Marine Case Management System (MCMS). Each feature represents a location that is the subject of a marine licence application or...

Job Applications

Job applications for all vacancies advertised by VCA

Residential approvals of M4(2) Accessible and adaptable and M4(3) Wheelchair user dwellings

This report uses data from the Planning London Datahub (PLD) to show the proportion of new-build residential dwellings that meet the access standards M4(2) Accessible and adaptable dwellings and...

Performance Dashboard Applications for a deemed marine licence to accompany a Development Consent Order

This dashboard shows information about how the Applications for a deemed marine licence to accompany a Development Consent Order service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The...

Performance Dashboard Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): applications for consent to release GMOs

This dashboard shows information about how the Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): applications for consent to release GMOs service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The...

Allerdale Wind Turbine Applications

Wind Turbine Applications recorded as point location for each planning application.

Planning Applications West Norfolk

Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk planning applications 2015-16