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Characterisation report from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI

Characterisation report from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This report describes the findings from the analysis of data collected during the March 2013 survey to Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in England

PROMs measures health gain in patients undergoing hip replacement, knee replacement, varicose vein and groin hernia surgery in England, based on responses to questionnaires before and after...

Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report

This report takes data from the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR), Short and Long Term (SALT) collection and Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA) return to provide information regarding adult...

Justice Organisations in England and Wales (for health reporting)

Justice Organisations in England and Wales Contains: A standard set of unique identification codes for Justice entities including Prisons, Police Stations, Constabularies, Courts, Young...

NHS Safety Thermometer Report - Patient-level

The NHS Safety Thermometer is a local improvement tool for measuring, monitoring and analysing patient harms and 'harm free' care. The Patient-level export contains a copy of all the data in the...

NHS Safety Thermometer Report - Survey-level

The NHS Safety Thermometer is a local improvement tool for measuring, monitoring and analysing patient harms and 'harm free' care. The Survey-level export contains a copy of all the data in the...

Learning Disabilities Annual Census Report, England

This report presents initial findings from the Learning Disability Census. Data were collected via the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of the Department of Health, the...

ITE Wash Birds and Invertebrates report 1988

Two surveys of the sediments and macro-invertebrates of intertidal areas of the Wash were undertaken during late September to early November 1998 and 1999. In 1998, 113 sites, each 1 ha in area...

A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions Quarterly Report

POSTPONED due to resource issues. We plan to publish a report covering 2014/15 quarters 1 and 2 on 17 October 2014. Please note that this postponement relates to the narrative report only. The...

Prompt Payment Reporting for Capital for Enterprise Ltd

Percentages and volumes of supplier invoices paid withing government guidelines.

National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit Report 2018

The National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit (NPID) is a workstream of the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) and is managed by NHS Digital under an agreement with the Healthcare Quality Improvement...

Bassurelle Sandbank SAC Monitoring Report 2017

Bassurelle Sandbank Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is a Marine Protected Area (MPA) located in the Dover Strait, 30 km south of the Dungeness peninsula within the ‘Eastern English Channel’...

Sports Grounds Safety Authority Annual Report

The Sports Grounds Safety Authority’s Annual Report and Accounts, spanning the full financial year Authority (SGSA). The Report sets out how we operate, covering our goals, performance, corporate...

Document Management Team Corporate Property Report

This report produced for the Document Management Team contains details of Environment Agency corporate property - including address, postcode, grid reference, current use and status. March 2016...

NI 173 - Flows on to Incapacity Benefits from employment

The proportion of the working population living in a local authority who move directly from employment to incapacity benefits (IB) each year.

NI 122b - Mortality from all cancers at ages under 75 - Male

Directly age standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population for cancer (all malignant neoplasms) at all ages under 75 years

NI 122a - Mortality from all cancers at ages under 75 - Female

Directly age standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population for cancer (all malignant neoplasms) at all ages under 75 years

NI 122 - Mortality from all cancers at ages under 75

Directly age standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population for cancer (all malignant neoplasms) at all ages under 75 years

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Senior Officials Transparency Report

This report shows international travel undertaken by Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes the quarterly...

Weekly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices) Northern Ireland

Weekly Market Report (average livestock and crop prices). Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...