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885 results found

Dundee City Council Allotments

Allotments are plots of land that are rented by individuals or organisations for the purpose of growing fruit, vegetables and/or flowers. There are several allotment sites in Dundee but not all of...

Local Authority District to Combined Authority (December 2019) Lookup in EN

A lookup file between local authority districts (LAD) and combined authorities (CAUTH) in England as at 31st December 2019.Field Names - LAD19CD, LAD19NM, CAUTH19CD, CAUTH19NM, FIDField Types -...

Contracts December 2019

Details of contracts, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000. Data has been excluded or redacted from the publication in line with guidance...

Contracts September 2019

Details of contracts, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000. Data has been excluded or redacted from the publication in line with guidance...

Invitation to tender for contracts September 2019

Invitations to tender are used in a competitive tendering process in which suppliers or contractors are able to participate in a procurement process for the supply of specific and clearly defined...

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2020-21

The Revenue Codebook contains data related to the Council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2020/2021. The data can be filtered by spending type.

Local Government Districts (December 2019) Names and Codes in NI

This file contains names for the local government districts in Northern Ireland as at 31st December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB) Field Names - LGD19CD, LGD19NM, FIDField Types - Text, Text,...

Metropolitan Counties (December 2019) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for the metropolitan counties in England as at 31 December 2019.   (File Size - 13 KB) Field Names - MCTY19CD, MCTY19NM, FIDField Types - Text, Text,...

County Electoral Division (May 2019) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for County Electoral Divisions in England as at 2nd May 2019.  (File Size - 184 KB) Field Names – CED19CD, CED19NM, FIDField Types – Text, Text, NumberField...

National Assembly Economic Regions (December 2019) Names and Codes in WA

This file contains the names and codes for National Assembly Economic Regions in Wales as at 31 December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB) Field Names - NAER19CD, NAER19NM, FIDField Types - Text,...

Scottish Parliamentary Regions (December 2019) Names and Codes in SC

This file contains the names and codes for the Scottish Parliamentary Regions in Scotland as at 31st December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB) Field Names - SPR19CD, SPR19NM, FIDField Types - Text,...

Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (December 2019) Names and Codes in the UK

This file contains the names and codes for Westminster parliamentary constituencies in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2019.  (File Size - 72 KB)  Field Names - PCON19CD, PCON19NM, FIDField...

Local Resilience Forums (December 2019) Names and Codes in EW

This file contains the names and codes file for the local resilience forums (LRF) in England and Wales as at 31st December 2019. (File size - 16KB)Field Names -LRF19CD, LRF19NM, FIDField Types -...

Registration Districts (April 2019) Names and Codes in EW

This file contains the names and codes for registration districts in England and Wales as at 1st April 2019.  (File Size - 40 KB)Field Names - REGD19CD, REGD19NM, FIDField Types - Text, TextField...

European Electoral Regions (December 2019) Names and Codes in the UK

This file contains the names and codes for European Electoral Regions in the United Kingdom as at 31st December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB) Field Names - EER19CD, EER19NM, FIDField Types - text,...

Strategic Clinical Networks (December 2019) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for Strategic Clinical Networks (SCN) in England as at 31 December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB)  Field Names - SCN19CD, SCN19NM, FIDField Types - Text,...

Community Safety Partnerships (December 2019) Names and Codes in EW

This file contains names and codes for community safety partnerships (CSP) in England and Wales as at 31 December 2019.  (File Size - 40 KB) Field Names - CSP19CD, CSP19NM, CSP19NMW, FIDField Types...

NHS England (Region) (April 2019) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the NHS England (Region) (NHSER) names and codes, as at 1 April 2019 in England. (File size - 16KB).This file includes the newly formed East of England - (E40000007), Midlands -...

Non-Civil Parished Areas (December 2019) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains names and codes for the non-civil parished areas in England as at 31st December 2019.  (File Size - 40 KB)Field Names - NCP19CD, NCP19NM, FIDField Types - Text, Text, NumberField...

Regions (December 2019) Names and Codes in EN

This file contains the names and codes for regions (former GORs) in England as at 31 December 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB) Field Names - RGN19CD, RGN19NM, RGN19NMW, FIDField Types - Text, Text, Text,...