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Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Employment vacancies notified to DfC

The statistics presented here do not relate to the total unsatisfied demand for staff by employers, but to only those vacant positions that have been notified by employers to DfC.

Pro- Active Camden Outdoor Gym Evaluation 2011

The Camden outdoor gym programme is the largest of any borough in the UK. Eight sites opened in 2009 and a further 9th site was installed in 2012. Most Camden residents live within 20 minutes of an...

The Economics of London's Housing Market

Through reading this publication you will: • gain an understanding of how house prices are set in economics terms, how they are measured, and why the cost of housing matters for London’s economy...

A73-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Lynher Estuary SSSI 2010

A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Lynher Estuary SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a physical and biological...

Total health gain as assessed by patients for elective procedures (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 3.1)

Total health gain from patients who reported an improvement in health status following an elective procedure. The four indicators cover groin hernia, hip replacements, knee replacements and...

Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Reference boundaries

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been retired. Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Reference boundaries is no longer updated. The last update of the dataset was 10/2017. Catchment...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Survey, August 2006. Biological, physical and chemical sampling survey report (Faroe Shetland Channel)

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Strategic Environmental Assessment project for Area 7 (SEA7) and environmental survey was carried out from the RV Pelagia in the Faroe Shetland...

Chemical and physical data of water and its evolution over incubation experiments for three headwater streams in the Conwy catchment, North Wales (2014)

These data are chemical and physical data of stream water and their evolution over incubation experiments conducted on water samples taken from three headwater streams from the Conwy catchment in...

Geochemical and physical property data for sediment cores extracted from Loch Sunart Scotland (NERC studentship grant NE/L501852/1)

Geochemical data: %C, %OC, %IC, %N Physical Property data: Wet and dry bulk density, water content, porosity. Sediment cores extracted from Offshore Region: Loch Sunart NM 70277 63360, 56.705259,...

Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Integrated Water Management Plan

An Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP) for the Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Opportunity Area prepared by the Greater London Authority in partnership with LB Tower Hamlets, also encompassing...

A74-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Tamar Tavy & St John's Lake SSSIs 2010

A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Tamar, Tavy & St John's Lake SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a...

Bristol Floating Harbour bacteriological water quality

Bristol floating harbour bacteriological water quality monitoring data (bacteriological and physical) from 1994.

UKSeaMap 2018 Version 2 – for external release

UKSeaMap 2018V2 is a broad-scale physical habitat map for UK waters. It is a by-product of the 2013-2016 activities of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats 2013–2016 consortium. This dataset contains two...

UK Ramsar Information Sheets – all details in structured spreadsheet format

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This spreadsheet contains all of the information within Ramsar Information Sheets for all designated...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Survey - Biological, physical and chemical sampling survey report. ERT 1320 (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 an environmental survey was carried out from the SV Kommandor...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Biological, physical and chemical sampling survey report, ERT 1200. Kommandor Jack samples (Irish Sea)

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment for Area 6 (SEA6) an environmental survey was carried out from...

2011 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   The 2011 round of projections were the last produced by...

2016 Annual School Places Planning Report Primary - Secondary

Every year, the authority reviews its school places planning projections for primary and secondary sectors. This latest report highlights the 2016 current capacity and pressures within the borough,...