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Open Access Land

Dataset showing the dedicated open access land, published in compliance with the INSPIRE directive.

Planning Focus Areas

Planning Focus Areas are areas where there is an identifiable community or geography or where landscape or function means they make a logical area for spatial planning as defined in the Hastings...

Local Wildlife Sites

Local Wildlife Sites in the Hastings Borough Council Administrative Area. A Local Wildlife Site is a non-statutory designation applying to a site of borough-wide importance recognising the wildlife...

Cambridgeshire Mineral and Waste Management Planning Applications

The County as Mineral and Waste Planning Authority receives and determines planning applications for mineral and waste management development. Boundaries of these planning applications, which may...

Landscape Character Assessment - Green Belt

Landscape character assessments seek to identify the features and elements of landscape areas that contribute to creating their distinct character and that make them different to neighbouring...

Highway Records

Highway status within the OMBC area. For personal, non-commercial use only. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Eastbourne Contextual Designations

Eastbourne Contextual Designations – shows designations that provide context to the Eastbourne Policies Map.Further information is available on our website...

Land Ownership

Land owned by, leased to or licenced to Hastings Borough Council (Polygon Dataset) and land owned by the Hastings and St Leonards Foreshore Charitable Trust. Always refer to the current registered...

HambletonDC Open Spaces

Polygon representation of open spaces across Hambleton classified as Amenity, Provision for Children, Outdoor Sports, Recreational Areas for Families, Allotments and School Playing Fields and then...


Location of town centre shopping areas of individual towns in Hyndburn. This is Phase 2 INSPIRE compliant.


This service hosts the datasets for, and provides the View Service for Newark & Sherwood District Councils INSPIRE compliance.


This service hosts the datasets for, and provides the Download Service for Newark & Sherwood District Councils INSPIRE compliance.

ADC Article 4

Extents of Article 4 directions within Ashfield District as polygons. Inspire Phase 2 dataset.

Tour de France 2014 cycle route in Leeds

> Dataset showing the 2014 Tour de France route within the Leeds metropolitan district boundary. > > Please note > ----------- > > * This dataset is a one-off...

City connect cycle route

Dataset showing the proposed cycle link between Leeds and Bradford. Please note ----------- * This dataset is reviewed annually but will not be updated if no changes have been made. Licence...

Article 4

Article 4 Directions registered (in the local land charges register) after 1 January 2012 located within the Hastings Borough Council administrative area (Polygon Dataset). Article 4 directions...

Walking & Cycling Strategy

Proposed strategic Walking & Cycling Network identified in the Hastings Walking and Cycling Strategy May 2014. (adopted by Hastings Borough Council Cabinet on 9th June 2014). See the following...

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Compulory Purchase Orders (CPOs) that are registerable (in the local land charges register) after 1 January 2012 located within the Hastings Borough Council Administrative Area. (Polygon Dataset)....

Section 106

Section 106's (S106's) registered (in the local land charges register) after 1 January 2012 located within the Hastings Borough Council Administrative area (polygon dataset). S106's registered...

Local Street Gazetteer

Local Street Gazetteer for York This data is published under the [INSPIRE end user...