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Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) Facts and Figures (Northern Ireland)

Numbers of VAT and PAYE registered businesses in Northern Ireland, by region, size and industry. Source agency: Finance and Personnel (Northern Ireland) Designation: National...

Biogeographic Zones Living England (2021)

This is a spatial dataset which defines the regions for the Living England Phase IV habitat classification. 14 regions were created in England to balance resource requirements and scalability. The...

Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) Facts and Figures (Northern Ireland)

Numbers of VAT and PAYE registered businesses in Northern Ireland, by region, size and industry. Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National...

English business survey

The English Business Survey, or EBS, is a new survey commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) in 2011. It provides a monthly assessment of business perceptions of...

Urban Rural Reports (Northern Ireland)

Looks at data from the Family Resources Survey classified by urban/rural regions. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Estimates of properties not connected to the gas network

Estimates of the number of domestic properties not connected to the gas grid, at region, local authority, Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) levels and parliamentary...

Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses

Presents UK public spending outturns against the budgetary framework as well as analysis by function, economic category and territory (country and region, NUTS1). Source agency: HM...

Quarterly municipal waste statistics incorporating April - June 2006 to January - March 2010

Quarterly municipal waste statistics incorporating April - June 2006 to January - March 2010, regional statistics to include South East, South West, West Midlands, East, East Midlands, London,...

Firebreaks in NRW South Central Region

Dataset showing the location of firebreaks created and managed by Natural Resources Wales operational staff in the Welsh Government Woodland Estate. The data covers the NRW South Central...

Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites (RIGS)

Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites (RIGS) are non-statutory sites selected to protect the most important places for geology, geomorphology and soils, complementing the network of legally...

GSNI Tellus Regional Stream Sediments

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) completed a regional geochemical survey of Northern Ireland's Stream Sediments. For methodology and...

GSNI Tellus Regional Stream Waters

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) completed a regional geochemical survey of Northern Ireland's Stream Waters. Sampling and quality control...

Soil Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

This soils dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region of Syria. This study...

Contour Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

This contour dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region of Syria. This study...

Boundary Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

This boundary dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region of Syria. This study...

Geological Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

This geology dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region of Syria. This study...

Regional climate values for the Mean Temperature

Regional climate values for an element, ordered by year -Minimum Tempature. Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to exist. Seasons:...

Regional climate values for Maximum Temperature

Regional climate values for an element, ordered by year -Max Temp. Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to exist. Seasons:...

Regional climate values for Minimum Temperature

Regional climate values for an element, ordered by year -Minimum Tempature. Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to exist. Seasons:...

Milk Quota by region 1994 to 2011

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains Milk Quota by region 1994 to 2011 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency