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234 results found

Marine Designated Site Features Open Data (England)

This dataset contains a collation of marine habitat and species biotope records created during contracts commissioned by Natural England; collected by Defra and associated bodies/agencies; or...

Stakeholder surveys to local farmers and officials in Chinese villages to understand knowledge management dynamics

Data comprise results of social surveys carried out in China during 2016 – 2018 to the local stakeholders (farmers and village to county level officials) to understand their knowledge learning...

Secondary exposure to second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in European polecats (Mustela putorius) in Great Britain 2013 to 2016

Data comprise measurements of carcass condition (age, sex, length, mass and fat score), age (from stable isotope analysis of whiskers and Cementum aging of teeth) and rodenticide concentrations...

2014-026 Teeside Geophysical Survey Charting and Reporting

Teesside Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) is a 62 MW site comprised of 27 turbines, and is owned and operated by Teesside Windfarm Limited (TWL). Osiris Projects were contracted to provide surveys in...

2014-026 Teeside Geophysical Survey Charting and Reporting

Teesside Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) is a 62 MW site comprised of 27 turbines, and is owned and operated by Teesside Windfarm Limited (TWL). Osiris Projects were contracted to provide surveys in...

BGS GeoSure Shrink Swell 3D for London and Thames Valley

The BGS GeoSure Shrink Swell 3D data is a regional hazard susceptibility map that identifies areas of potential shrink–swell hazard, in three dimensional space, at intervals down to 20m in the...

Inclusive Economy

The Organisation for Economy Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines inclusive as "economic growth that creates opportunity for all segments of the population and distributes the dividends of...

GeoSure Compressible Deposits

The GeoSure data sets and reports from the British Geological Survey provide information about potential ground movement or subsidence in a helpful and user-friendly format. The reports can help...

Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project

Scotland coastlines and waters are a special place for marine habitats and wildlife. The Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project encourages everyone to get involved in the survey and...

Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project

Scotland coastlines and waters are a special place for marine habitats and wildlife. The Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Project encourages everyone to get involved in the survey and...

European Quality of Life Survey

The European Quality of Life survey (EQLS) examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives, and how they feel about those circumstances, and their lives in general. It looks...

BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) 3DEPR-ARAD seismic data (1997)

The 3D multi channel seismic data were acquired as part of a collaborative investigation into models of magmatic segmentation between the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and BIRPS (the British...

2002 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA3 Technical report - Geology, North Sea (Addendum to SEA2 report)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA3) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and is an addendum to...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2011/10_JC060:Stornoway Bay subset: Stornoway Bay (19/May/2011 to 19/May/2011)

This National Oceanography Centre (NOC) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in May/June 2011 on board the RRS James Cook. This data is a subset from the survey collected as a MAREMAP...

National Vascular Registry – AAA Unit Mortality Report 2013 Results

In January 2013, the National Vascular Registry was formed by the amalgamation of the National Vascular Database and the UK Carotid Interventions Audit projects. The Registry was commissioned by...

Biological characteristics, liver metal concentrations, habitat biogeochemistry and habitat contamination sources of UK otters (2006-2017)

The dataset details the biological characteristics and concentrations of toxic metals/semi-metals in liver tissue from 278 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) that died across England and Wales during...

Updating Fisheries Sensitivity Maps in British Waters

The requirement to display sensitive areas relating to the life history of commercially important fish species in British waters is well recognized. Sensitive areas have previously been described...

Compressible ground dataset (5km Hex-Grid) version 8

The 5km Hex GS Compressible Ground dataset shows a generalised view of the GeoSure Compressible Ground v8 dataset to a hexagonal grid resolution of 64.95km coverage area (side length of 5km). This...

Compressible ground (5km Hex-Grid) version 7

The 5km Hex GS Compressible Ground dataset shows a generalised view of the GeoSure Compressible Ground v7 dataset to a hexagonal grid resolution of 64.95km coverage area (side length of 5km). This...

Herbivory rates, species traits and leaf traits across symbiotic nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species from a Panamanian tropical forest, 2007-2019

This dataset contains measurements of herbivory and the potential controls on herbivory for nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing trees in a mature tropical forest of Panama. Data include herbivory...