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Business Improvement Districts

Data to show boundaries of City BIDs and Business Partnerships

Bradford business rates

Business Rates datasets available for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council General list of business properties in the Bradford District Credits held against Business Rate accounts New...

Breastfeeding Welcoming Businesses

Data showing a list of the Breastfeeding Welcoming Businesses.

Business Rates (NNDR)

Details of all current Business Rates accounts held with Colchester Borough Council including credits and the most recent changes to individual accounts as notified to the Valuation Office....

Central Business Areas

Defined as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan 2003. South Norfolk is creator of this data and it is reviewed and updated as part of the Local Plan process. The data shows the business area in a...

PFI Business Cases

No description provided

Council Business Plan

This is the tabulated format of Lincolnshire County Council's Council Business Plan. The current Council Business Plan is also published here:

Business and Employment Areas

Business and Employment Areas provide broad locations for a range of employment uses in Oldham (excluding Saddleworth). Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...

Ryedale Business Rates

Business Rates (National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR)) for properties in Ryedale

NNDR Business Rates

__National Non Domestic Rates__ (NNDR) also known as 'Business Rates'. Fixed by the central government though collected by the City of York Council in the York area. These rates apply to...

Business Startups - (YTD)

Business Startups - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued

Real-time energy and CO2 data for BIS headquarters building

Real-time energy consumption and CO2 emmissions data for the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills headquarters building 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET. The data is captured every...

Sub-regional public and private sector employee job estimates

The preferred souce of public sector employment data is the ONS National Statistics of Public Sector Employment. This provides employment estimates at national and regional level based on public...

Insolvency Statistics

Presents statistics on quarterly insolvencies for the UK include headline figures for England and Wales. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: National Statistics Language:...

BEIS Departmental Spending over £25,000

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of all departmental spending over £25,000 on a monthly basis. BEIS has chosen to publish all departmental spend...

Changes to Regional and Economic Performance Indicators 2011

This paper announces and explains changes to the Regional and Economic Performances Indicators release to be published on 24 May 2011 Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation:...

Global energy and emissions by country and sector for a current policies scenario 1990 - 2050

The data consists of Business as Usual emissions projections. The data is used as an input for the DECC GLOCAF model, which estimates future global Green House Gas emissions abatement. The data...

Seabed video analysis from East Rockall Bank SAC

Seabed video analysis from East Rockall Bank SAC (1113S). One objective of this Marine Scotland Science fisheries cruise 1113S was to map the seabed habitats and coral reef using a towed VMUX...

HI 1356 2012 MCZ Multibeam Survey Skerries Bank

Subtidal Habitat Mapping from multibeam data. Maritime and Coastguard Agency survey (various contractors), no groundtruthing.

Seabed video habitat analysis from Solan Bank Reef

Seabed video habitat analysis from Solan Bank Reef cSAC/SCI survey, which was planned with the aim of informing development of a national indicator of ‘Good Environmental Status’ focusing on...