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470 results found

Drinking Water Safeguard Zones (Groundwater)

Drinking Water Groundwater Safeguard Zones (SgZs) are established around public water supplies where additional pollution control measures are needed. The Water Framework Directive requires that...

PSNI fixed penalties and speed courses for motoring offences 2017 - 2022

The PSNI produces statistics on motoring offences that are detected by the police. Motoring offences can be dealt with by issuing a fixed penalty notice (FPN), attendance at a speed awareness...

AIMS Asset Bundle

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA345. This is a bundle of all AIMS Asset Types into a single download. The Environment Agency's (EA) defence information is the only comprehensive...

Historic Landfill Sites - Quarterly Summary

This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

LIDAR DSM Time Stamped Tiles

The LIDAR DSM (Digital Surface Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific surveys have been carried out across...

PSNI fixed penalties, speed and safer driver courses for motoring offences 2017 – 2023

The PSNI produces statistics on motoring offences that are detected by the police. Motoring offences can be dealt with by issuing a fixed penalty notice (FPN), attendance at a speed awareness...

Controlled parking spaces

The number of marked out controlled on-street parking spaces are calculated from the combined length of all parking bays recorded on our GIS systems and is an approximation. The number marked out...

UK Ramsar qualifying features (birds)

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all qualifying bird species (of international and national...

Mendip District Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas within the Mendip District Council local authority area. Conservation Areas are locations which receive protection because of their recognised natural, ecological and/or cultural...

Family size

This report analyses families in the UK by the number of dependent children they have, with focus on those with three or more dependent children, examining trends over time, where such families...

Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order is made by a Local Planning Authority to protect trees which make a significant impact on their surroundings, making it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot,...

LIDAR DTM Time Stamped Tiles

The LIDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific LIDAR surveys have been carried out across...

Local Ward Health Comparison for Cambridgeshire

Local Health contains data produced by Public Health England. A full list and definition of the indicators is found in the pdf. The excel sheet contains an average or sum value for all in...

Crown Prosecution Service

Conditional Cautioning was brought in by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and is operated under a statutory Code of Practice. The Code of Practice requires the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue...

Additional Affordable Dwellings

Additional affordable dwellings by local authority district, England 1991-92 to 2016-17 This dataset describes the additions to the stock of affordable housing from the period 1991-92 to 2016-17,...

2011 Census DC Tables 1. Demography

2011 Census cross-tabulations within the demography topic. Tables for Camden, Greater London and England & Wales (including Age and sex, Marital and Civil Partnership Status, Living...

Children's Social Work Statistics

Number of admissions, discharges, occupancy levels, children characteristics, from secure care accommodation. Number of child protection referrals, case conferences, registrations,...

Vertical Aerial Photography

Vertical aerial photography is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a high-resolution camera mounted vertically underneath the aircraft to capture reflected light in the red, green, blue and...

Analysis on Long Covid - June 2022

The Camden and Islington Public Health Intelligence team has recently completed a needs assessment of Long Covid in North Central London, to explore the burden of Long Covid locally, its impact on...

Counter Fraud

Information about Counter Fraud work at Lincolnshire County Council, including use of powers, employees and fraud cases. This information is published as part of the Local Government Transparency...