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1,170 results found

Petrol and diesel prices

Weekly average UK prices of unleaded petrol and diesel Accredited Official Statistics

NI 038 - Drug related (Class A) offending rate

Average offending rate by those identified as Class A drug misusers in the course of their contact with the criminal justice system.

GPS OJEU Sourcing performance turnaround times

Monthly average turnaround times of OJEU procurements carried out by by GPS (from advert to contract award)

Urban Congestion Statistics

Summary statistics on congestion in 10 urban areas in England. Includes average journey person times per mile.

OS Mastermap Highways Network with speed data

Helping you plan routes, analyse traffic information and optimise journeys. Thanks to OS MasterMap Highways Network with Speed Data, you can also access road speed information through our product....

Code for Sustainable Homes

Statistics on the number of dwellings that have been certified to the standards set out in the Code Technical Guide, in which local authority area, at which Code level and whether the homes are...

NI 181 - Time taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events

The average time taken in calendar days to process all new claims and change events in Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which Parliament has decided is in the public interest. Anyone who has...

Average sickness days lost per FTE - CYC (Excluding Schools) - (YTD)

Average sickness days lost per FTE - CYC (Excluding Schools) - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued

GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve offensive issues (Working days) - (YTD)

GRAFFITI - Average time taken to resolve offensive issues (Working days) - (YTD)

Code-Point Open

Code-Point Open is a dataset that contains postcode units, each of which have a precise geographical location. To give you extra analytical power, Code-Point Open includes NHS authority and...

Fraud Database

Details of fraud referrals relating to war pensions & compensation

Impact indicator: energy efficiency of new build housing

Average Standard Assessment Procedure energy rating score #### How the figure is calculated: The sum of SAP energy rating scores for each new home for which an energy performance certificate...

UKCP09: Regional values of 1961-1990 baseline averages - Annual averages - Rainfall intensity on days of rain ≥ 1 mm (mm/day)

UKCP09 Regional values Annual averages - Rainfall intensity on days of rain ≥ 1 mm (mm/day) Long-term averages for the 1961-1990 climate baseline are also available for 14 administrative regions...

Creel Fishing Effort Study - Average Number of Crab/Lobster Hauls Per Day and Average Number of Nephrop Hauls Per Day

Measuring fishing effort is important for assessing the environmental sustainability of fish stocks and the socioeconomic efficiency of fishing activity. Fishing effort describes the amount of...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km² grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2012 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2012, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...

MMO1066 Vessel density grid 2011 Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset contains the average weekly shipping density for the whole of the UK at a 2km2 grid resolution. For 2011, AIS datasets were sampled from the first seven days of the month, commencing...