
  • Environmental Permitting Sites

    Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010, local authorities must regulate certain types of industry and other activities such as dry cleaners....
  • Land and Property Assets

    This is a polygon dataset that shows the Land and Property Assets (registered and un-registered) held by East Staffordshire Borough Council.
  • TPO Polygons

    This dataset provides a Tree Preservation Area layer in polygons, taken from the authorities Planning System.
  • Green Belt

    The extent of the Green belt defined within the East Staffordshire Borough.
  • Settlement Boundary

    This is a polygon dataset used to identify Settlement Boundaries as part of the Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031. Please note: Two Individual Neighbourhood plans should be seen in...
  • Town Centre Boundaries

    Dataset showing Town Centre boundaries as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031
  • Strategic Industrial Locations

    Strategic Industrial Locations as identified in the East Staffordshire Borough Councils Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031.
  • Housing Allocation

    Dataset showing Housing Allocations in the East Staffordshire Borough as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031
  • Local Air Quality Monitoring Stations

    Air quality monitoring stations within East Staffordshire.
  • Town Centre Uses

    Town Centre Uses defined by Primary and Secondary classification as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031
  • Semi Natural Greenspaces

    The dataset shows the area of Semi Natural Open Spaces within the East Staffordshire Borough
  • Amenity Greenspace

    Extent of open space comprising amenity land, including green corridors and verges in ESBC as polygons.
  • Air Quality Management Areas

    The Government set air quality standards for the protection of health. Under the Environment Act 1995 East Staffordshire Council is required to designate Air Quality Management...
  • Childrens Play Areas

    Extent of open space comprising playgrounds and recreation areas for children and young people in ESBC as polygons.
  • Article4

    Article 4 directions are used to control works that could threaten the character of an area of acknowledged importance, such as a conservation area.
  • Parks & Gardens

    Extent of open space comprising public parks and gardens in ESBC as polygons.
  • Allotments

    Layer showing all allotments in the East Staffordshire Borough Council Area - The allotments are in the process of being passed over to parish councils so the data will not be...
  • Noise Abatement Zones

    Noise abatement zones in East Staffordshire Borough
  • Smoke Control Area Plans

    This dataset comprises polygon data showing Smoke Control areas within East Staffordshire. The dataset is based on paper plans created as a consequence of the Clean Air Act...