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Government Major Projects Portfolio data for Department for Environment Food and Rural AffairsDefra Government Major Projects Portfolio data, 2013

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Project name New Waterways Charity CAP Delivery Programme (formerly the Future Options Programme) Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100) Plan Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) Redevelopment - Project Chrysalis
MPA RAG rating (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) Green Amber Amber Amber
Description / aims To move British Waterways in England and Wales from a public corporation into a new charity to increase the self-sufficiency of the body managing the waterways, and move the canals and the associated heritage infrastructure to the new charity; allow the organisation more freedom to be entrepreneurial and raise funds from diverse sources, including an increase in volunteering; safeguard environmental benefits such as wildlife habitats, flood alleviation and drainage; support localism and give waterways users and the communities that live alongside waterways a greater say in how they are managed; safeguard and promote access opportunities and recreation, conserve heritage; secure the future sustainability of the network as a whole. To procure and implement a joined-up solution to deliver the IT solution component underpinning the delivery of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP2013) reforms (i.e. for the processing, payment and accounting of claims for funding of Pillar 1 and 2 schemes that are administered across the Defra Network). The programme also focuses on improving the quality of services to customers, ensuring good VfM and operating any new scheme(s) without adverse impact on other aspects of Defra's business. An Environment Agency programme to procure a 10-year asset management programme of flood defence works on the tidal Thames. The proposal is to seek greater efficiencies through innovative ways of working with the supply chain to deliver a more integrated programme of necessary refurbishment and replacement works. This is the first phase of a much longer-term Plan for managing tidal flood risk in London and the Thames Estuary to the year 2100 and beyond. The cost of maintaining and improving these defences is justified by the very high value of assets protected (£200bn of property), with over 1.25million people living and working in the area at risk of flooding. To redevelop New Covent Garden Market, the UK’s largest flower, fruit and vegetable wholesale market on a 57 acre site in Vauxhall, London. It is run by the Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA), a fully self-financing, Defra sponsored public corporation. CGMA is undertaking a £130m redevelopment of the site and the market’s accommodation. The redevelopment will provide modern market facilities (at no direct cost to the taxpayer) and will release surplus land to deliver residential units to help meet current housing needs. The project is part of the wider regeneration and development of the Vauxhall Nine Elms Opportunity Area.