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Species point records from 1996-97 DWT Bolt littoral survey1996-97-DWT-Bolt-littoral-survey.csv

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RecordKey SurveyKey SurveyName SampleKey StartDate EndDate DateType LocationName DataType Latitude Longitude Projection AphiaId Species Uncertain Abundance_SACFORN Abundance_Count IsDead SampleComment
JNCCMNCR10522790 JNCCMNCR10000616 1996-97 DWT Bolt littoral survey JNCCMNCR10027228 1996-09-15 1996-09-15 D Little Mewstone (Bolt Head to Bolt Tail) Point 50.208657604666 -3.78481183332396 WGS84 140684 Patella ulyssiponensis FALSE S Not set FALSE Exposed lower eulittoral slates dominated by coralline algae, limpets and barnacles. Corallina officinalis and Corallinaceae were both superabundant, the Corallina spp. typically overgrowing dense Mytilus edulis spat. Small algae were generally attached to the Corallina and included Audouinella, Callithamnion tetragonum and Lomentaria articulata. Pterosiphonia complanata and Mastocarpus stellatus were frequent amongst barnacles (B. perforatus, C. stellatus) and Verrucaria mucosa. Patella ulysipponensis were superabundant and may have accounted for the low, shrubby algal turf.
JNCCMNCR10763870 JNCCMNCR10000616 1996-97 DWT Bolt littoral survey JNCCMNCR10027234 1996-09-15 1996-09-15 D Little Mewstone (Bolt Head to Bolt Tail) Point 50.208657604666 -3.78481183332396 WGS84 140684 Patella ulyssiponensis FALSE S Not set FALSE Patella has been removed from the species list for this record as more specific related taxa were also present, these are now marked as characterising. Mid and upper eulittoral exposed slates were characterised by dense Chthamalus stellatus and Patella ulysipponensis. Porphyra umbilicalis formed a distinctive zone in the upper eulittoral. Small shrubby red algae were present in shady spots and fissures and included Corallina officinalis and Laurencia pinnatifida. Occasional Mastocarpus stellatus and Nemalion helminthoides were present on open rock. Barnacle shells held abundant littorinids and Gammaridae were common beneath the Porphra sp. Crevices were exploited by young Mytilus.
JNCCMNCR10519776 JNCCMNCR10000616 1996-97 DWT Bolt littoral survey JNCCMNCR10027111 1996-09-15 1996-09-15 D Little Mewstone (Bolt Head to Bolt Tail) Point 50.208657604666 -3.78481183332396 WGS84 140684 Patella ulyssiponensis FALSE O Not set FALSE Steeply inclined slate dominated in the littoral fringe by Verrucaria maura. Nutrient enrichment from abundant seabird guano resulted in numerous patches of Enteromorpha spp. and Prasiola stipitata (?). Porphyra umbilicalis extended into this zone from the upper eulittoral, as did Chthamalus stellatus. Fissures, crevices and barnacle shells were exploited by abundant littorinids, including Littorina neritoides and L. saxatilis.
JNCCMNCR10755393 JNCCMNCR10000616 1996-97 DWT Bolt littoral survey JNCCMNCR10027112 1996-09-15 1996-09-15 D Little Mewstone (Bolt Head to Bolt Tail) Point 50.208657604666 -3.78481183332396 WGS84 140684 Patella ulyssiponensis FALSE Not set Not set FALSE Shallow pools or shaded fissure pools in the upper eulittoral were dominated by Corallinaceae and superabundant Patella ulysipponensis with attached Enteromorpha spp. Shaded areas also supported Hymeniacidon perleve and Actinia equina. Occasional red algae Corallina officinalis and Ceramium spp. Fissures held abundant Lipophris pholis and occasional Urticina felina.(Sub-habitat of 616.001.002)