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Local Enterprise Partnerships (April 2017) Generalised Clipped Boundaries ENCSV

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OBJECTID LEP17CD LEP17NM BNG_E BNG_N LONG LAT Shape__Area Shape__Length GlobalID
1 E37000001 Black Country 397407 292505 -2.03964 52.530418 356973898.344643 127747.358187635 d15ab511-5e72-473c-8690-f24dcd1d925c
2 E37000002 Buckinghamshire Thames Valley 482506 208561 -0.80569 51.769661 1564968343.28395 354461.339150174 cf70ae36-a462-45df-a939-d4cebe725dea
3 E37000003 Cheshire and Warrington 368759 368676 -2.46927 53.21423 2263619365.36478 433911.327611036 9008203c-70ad-4bb8-88c2-1e46cf138895
4 E37000004 Coast to Capital 512563 127435 -0.39598 51.035252 3122005876.17823 640619.63143085 1b9c018e-0c37-454a-8958-ce46c56a5082