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Organogram and staff pay data for Department for EducationSenior staff March 2014

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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
DFE-1001 Chris Wormald SCS4 Permanent Secretary The Permanent Secretary has three overall roles: 1. The Head of the Department. 2. The Accounting Officer. 3. The Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State. He is responsible for the overall management of the Department and is accountable to Parliament for the actions the Department takes and the way in which taxpayers’ money is spent. Department for Education Department For Education Permanent Secretary’s Office 0370 000 2288 N/D xx 1697252 1 160000 164999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
DFE-1003 Shona Dunn SCS3 Director General Leads Education Standards Directorate. Overall responsibility for policy on teachers and teaching standards/teachers’ terms and conditions/Teachers’ Pension Scheme/school standards/data and statistics/National Curriculum content and test delivery/qualifications reform/participation and closing the gap /National College for Teaching and Leadership /Standards and Testing Agency. Department for Education Department For Education Education Standards Directorate 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 624137 1 115000 119999 Not set Policy Not set 1
DFE-1084 Andrew McCully SCS3 Director General Infrastructure and Funding Directorate (IFD) is responsible for: school and college funding up to age 18 (25 for young people with learning difficulties) including funding provided via local authorities and delivery of the proposed pupil premium; capital policy and spend; the Department's Communications Group. The directorate leads on implementation of the Government's structural reform programme including Free Schools and expansion of the Academies programme; admissions arrangements; school organisation matters; and faith schools. The Chief Executive of the Education Funding Agency is responsible to the Director General of IFD for the performance, budget and business plans of the Agency. Department for Education Department For Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 725084 1 125000 129999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
DFE-1002 Thomas Jeffery SCS3 Director General Developing and reforming safeguarding services that protect and support children at risk of harm. Improving the capability and affordability of childcare and early education for children from 0-5.  Tackling barriers preventing children from fulfilling their educational and wider potential, including for children with SEN and disabilities.  Reforming the care system and speeding up the process of adoption. Contributing to the Government’s priorities on children’s rights, child poverty, and ensuring effective relationships between DfE and the children’s services sector.  Leading the policy profession including promoting better evidenced base policy making.  Contributing to the strategic overview of DfE including communications strategy. Department for Education Department For Education Children Services and Departmental Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 1626344 1 140000 144999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1