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OrganisationURI OrganisationLabel SiteReference SiteNameAddress GeoY GeoX SiteplanURL Hectares OwnershipStatus PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory Deliverable NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate EndDate Easting Northing Location Status London Borough of Camden LBCBLR117 51 Calthorpe Street, London, WC1X 0HH 51.525984 -0.113993 0.06 Not owned by a public authority Permissioned Full planning permission 26/01/2022 Yes 8 8 Not set "Change of use from offices (Class B1a) to create a mixed use scheme of office use (Class B1a) and 8 self-contained flats (Class C3) (2x 1 bed, 4x 2 bed and 2x 3 bed); mansard roof extension to main building; roof extension to rear part of building; creation of internal mezzanine floors; excavation to create basement; associated works." Planning application reference: 2018/1142/P. Decision dated: 26 January 2022 01/11/2023 22/03/2024 Not set 530931.78 182470.95 POLYGON ((-0.114209817737 51.526059913179, -0.114133171668 51.526079538468, -0.113882724106 51.526139972276, -0.11385045358 51.526063756116, -0.113824902351 51.52596876857, -0.113814275822 51.525929670219, -0.113896212186 51.525874079528, -0.114009875186 51.525798591048, -0.114040602502 51.525828752596, -0.114065242275 51.525853781778, -0.114091277773 51.525879552605, -0.114104997149 51.525889842139, -0.114209817737 51.526059913179)) Live London Borough of Camden LBCBLR002 Euston Station 51.529234 -0.134979 10.6 Mixed ownership Not permissioned Not set Not set Not set 250 900 Not set Site 9 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Capacity based on Draft EAP update for consultation: January 2023. 22/12/2017 22/03/2024 Not set 529466.87 182795.06 POLYGON ((-0.13664339363 51.530974459782, -0.136300242962 51.530912281887, -0.13533203347 51.531010354794, -0.13507280878 51.53111978054, -0.134604627716 51.530684856384, -0.133225682143 51.529403675229, -0.13203507198 51.528297367222, -0.131528362412 51.527826485678, -0.133933152899 51.526853546292, -0.136816368733 51.529411303632, -0.137050339951 51.52947165666, -0.1373967164 51.529454590581, -0.137817658248 51.52939303707, -0.137794627133 51.530402712996, -0.137861778685 51.530539889634, -0.138247423165 51.530897794034, -0.138603198819 51.53109636731, -0.138801536113 51.53158749901, -0.137816290886 51.531208664375, -0.13664339363 51.530974459782)) Live London Borough of Camden LBCBLR010 Middlesex Hospital Annex, 44 Cleveland Street, London, W1T 4JT 51.520525 -0.138069 0.31 Owned by a public authority Permissioned Full planning permission 30/09/2019 Yes 57 57 Not set "Variation of conditions 2 and 3 (approved plans), 4 (accessible units), 5 (wheelchair user dwellings) and 37 (residential mix) of planning permission 2017/0414/P, dated 15/01/2018 (as amended by 2018/1584/P, dated 30/09/2019 and 2021/3088/P, dated 12/07/2021) (for: Refurbishment of and alterations to the existing former Workhouse Building (Grade II listed) and North and South Houses (fronting onto Cleveland Street) to provide residential units (Class C3); demolition of part of South House and buildings at rear of Workhouse Building and redevelopment to provide a new building comprising commercial floor space (flexible use of Class B1 / D1 healthcare) and residential units (Class C3); and associated works including opening up of Bedford Passage, creation of public open space, landscaping works, and partial demolition of front boundary wall), namely to allow an increase in the overall number of dwellings and a change in housing tenure (reduction in the number of affordable dwellings), changes to 2nd floor window on former workhouse building, changes to internal and external design of new building, including additional basement level" Planning application reference: 2021/3087/P, appeal allow, appeal decision dated: 01/12/2022. Area (2) identified in the Fitzrovia Area Action Plan (2014). 22/12/2017 22/03/2024 Not set 529277.24 181821.22 POLYGON ((-0.137865401136 51.520809111305, -0.137849075063 51.520804357087, -0.137846662941 51.520805217811, -0.137828401434 51.520789644717, -0.137775803997 51.520744668259, -0.137647672737 51.520634303165, -0.137646180037 51.52063302085, -0.137607484983 51.520599772381, -0.137599676183 51.520593085617, -0.137579450727 51.520576132784, -0.137576591442 51.520573390352, -0.137575210184 51.520572289608, -0.137532742449 51.520535385167, -0.137516227477 51.520523615603, -0.137631696738 51.520466653388, -0.137681906061 51.520442008427, -0.137789557185 51.520390226118, -0.137951790433 51.520308563875, -0.138105377706 51.520231978459, -0.138197968841 51.520185171026, -0.138223759737 51.520205538427, -0.138237691141 51.520216547677, -0.138288675503 51.520257362875, -0.138304653178 51.520270652124, -0.13834029927 51.520299986222, -0.138376279727 51.520329865023, -0.138385592307 51.520337564512, -0.138425998171 51.520369671155, -0.13847067916 51.520407689204, -0.13850190377 51.520434705557, -0.138515241451 51.520445705352, -0.138554934869 51.520477800643, -0.138580117566 51.520498517916, -0.1386261053 51.520536556638, -0.138333725847 51.520670814461, -0.13830114187 51.520685850275, -0.138197823622 51.520733386559, -0.138006755278 51.520825559421, -0.137984691314 51.520836177163, -0.137969889373 51.520843583823, -0.137865401136 51.520809111305)) Live London Borough of Camden LBCBLR019 Land Bounded by 50-57 High Holborn, (including Brownlow House High Holborn House & Caroline House) 18-25 Hand Court , 45-51 Bedford Row & Brownlow Street, London WC1V 6RL 51.518607 -0.115237 0.37 Not owned by a public authority Permissioned Full planning permission 27/10/2011 Not set 44 44 Not set "Mixed use redevelopment of the site involving the demolition of Caroline House, 18-22 Hand Court and parts of High Holborn House, retention of façade and rebuild of part of High Holborn House facing High Holborn and the façade of 23 Hand Court and rear of High Holborn House (49-51 Bedford Row), Brownlow House and 45-48 Bedford Row. The erection of a new eight storey (plus two level basement and roof plant floor) building to accommodate A1 (Retail) floorspace and flexible A3/A4 (Restaurant/Drinking Establishment) at ground floor level together with new B1 (Office) space. Conversion of 46-48 Bedford Row to create 3x single family dwellings, change of use and extension of existing B1 (office) space to form 15x residential units within, 45 Bedford Row and 49-51 Bedford Row; conversion and extension of Brownlow House to provide 10x residential units (affordable housing); Redevelopment of 23 Hand Court to provide 22 student units in place of 6x existing residential units; new servicing access from Brownlow Street, and various public realm works to Brownlow Street, Bedford Row and Hand Court." Planning application reference: 2009/0675/P. Decision dated: 07/07/2009. Site 20 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). 22/12/2017 22/03/2024 Not set 530866.67 181648.42 POLYGON ((-0.114759556003 51.518258342482, -0.115361512094 51.518194654356, -0.11538369638 51.518299206948, -0.115577893365 51.518650156565, -0.115731945707 51.518960274923, -0.115514934332 51.518980433422, -0.115130759364 51.519005098074, -0.114796354423 51.518377334539, -0.114759556003 51.518258342482)) Live