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Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (31/12/2023)CSV

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SiteID Status GlobalID OBJECTID Shape__Area Shape__Length
NM003V Current 11132817-200d-4d16-b3a9-92a21c9577cf 1 10000 399.999999996275
V0006 Historic 6ff30b0e-382b-40f6-9598-335884236872 2 9999.99998474121 399.999999996275
NM004V Historic a404f002-16db-41a8-bec6-9f8acb40dc9b 3 10000 400.000000001863
NM002V Current 8984dafa-561c-46b4-8e91-4af4cba09eb9 4 10000 400.000000007451