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72 results found

Employment Generating Uses

Allocations within the Allocations Plan for new or intensification of employment generating uses.


GIS polygon dataset idnetifying the areas for general emplyment uses with the Dacorum Borough Council area.

Travel Distance to Furness General Hospital

Travel Distance to Furness General Hospital from within all parts of the Borough. The distances are displayed as 500m contour bands of distance travelled along the road network. The contours are...

Allerdale General Vesting Declaration Land Charge

General Vesting Declaration recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Refers to the Acquisition of land by general vesting declaration under the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting...

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities Web Feature Service (WFS)

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...

General Development Sites Local Plan 2007 Policy GDS1

Local Plan Policy GDS1 adopted 2007. Defines the boundaries of sites allocated for development proposals for both mixed-use schemes and for particular uses.

Scottish Government - Marine - Generic View Service (WMS)

This web mapping service (WMS) contains all the layers held on Marine Scotland Maps (NMPi) portal, excluding any layers consumed from a third party WMS. Layers which are licensed only for the...

Sussex Coast (Worthing to Beachy Head) lifeforms map

The Sussex coast was mapped during several visits to the area using AGDS, and drop down video. On interest was the location of reef areas and chalk outcrops thoughout the area in addtion to general...

Web Map Service for topsoil properties from the Countryside Survey of Great Britain, 2007 using a generalized additive model

This web map service presents modelled estimates of soil pH, carbon concentration (g kg-1), nitrogen concentration (% dry weight soil) and invertebrate density (individuals m-2) at 1km2 resolution...

Areas of Identified Tidal Stream Resource defining boundary of policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Feature Service (WFS)

The dataset sets out areas of identified tidal stream resource that could be harnessed in the future for power generation and as such are protected by policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East...

Areas of Identified Tidal Stream Resource defining boundary of policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The dataset sets out areas of identified tidal stream resource that could be harnessed in the future for power generation and as such are protected by policy TIDE1 in the East Inshore and East...

Public Open Space

Publicly Accessible Open Space constitutes areas with unrestricted public access to informal and formal recreational use. It performs an important role in the environmental quality and general...

Urban Green Space

Urban Greenspace has amenity value and may have either limited public access (such as private sports grounds), or no public access, (such as areas of farmland or public utility land). It performs...

TPO Test

Shows the general location of trees with preservation orders.

Strategic Industrial Locations

Strategic Industrial Locations (SILs) are designated in the London Plan comprise Preferred Industrial Locations (PILs) and Industrial Business Parks and exist to ensure that London provides...

Article 4 Directions

Areas of land where Permitted Development Rights under the General Development Order are restricted, polygons

Locally Distinctive Area

Area within a settlement that is locally distinctive by way of its layout built form or general appearance.

tb SS1 DDB

Polygons showing the areas where development or redevelopment will be generally acceptable as defined in the Adopted Local Plan 2006

Air Quality Points

Point data showing general locations of Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide monitoring tubes and average monthly totals