

2009, Centrica, Docking Shoal cable corridor


Docking Shoal cable corridor: amended application area as at August 2009.

Resource type


Resource locator

Unique resource identifier




Dataset language


Spatial reference system

code identifying the spatial reference system


Additional information source

Netgain (2011) Final Recommendations Submission to Natural England & JNCC. Report to Natural England. (

Classification of spatial data and services

Topic category



Keyword set

keyword value

Keyword set

keyword value

Keyword set

keyword value

originating controlled vocabulary


GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0

reference date

date type


effective date


Keyword set

keyword value

originating controlled vocabulary


SeaDataNet P021 parameter discovery vocabulary

reference date

date type


effective date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude



Extent group

authority code


Charting Progress 2 Sea Areas

reference date

date type


effective date


code identifying the extent

Southern North Sea

Temporal reference

Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

date type


effective date


Frequency of update


Quality and validity


v13 - 21st Nov 2007 - AH Landfall modifications. Saltmarsh section revised to tie into new landfall co-ordinates converted to UTM31N from OSNG using Grid InQuest 6.5. (Rnd2_CableLandfall_v02_ah071121_UTM31N). Co-ordinates agreed between RES (Chris Banks, Ed Frost, Jon Knight) and AMEC (AH, Glen Evertsen). Onshore portion removed, see latest onshore OSNG featureclass instead. ***** v12 - 22nd October 2007 - LH As V11 but one area that was onshore (the northern most part) changed to offshore to match up with Rnd2_CableTandC_v05_OS_rs0701. Additional changes added by AH 23/10/07 while checking. Split new section between onshore and old saltmarsh into the 3 wind farms and named as Saltmarsh section id. ***** v11 - 10th October 2007 - LH As V10 but 1 node removed (node 3 in Lincs Saltmarsh/Intertidal section as instructed by AH) ***** v10 - 21//09/07 - AH Cable corridor split into relevant wind farm, and also relevant sections. Based on Rnd2_CableCdr_v09_DSOnly (there were some errors in the nodes which were corrected - very minor distances involved) , and also used ...v07_RBOnly... for intertidal to offshore parts. There was a gap between DS and RB using these that was removed by splitting the difference using temporary sketch line as a guide. Same applies to RB and Lincs. The sections were split by cutting using the outer nodes. A complete check of all outer nodes (except onshore) was made and unnecessary nodes removed. PLANAPP field added by LH on AH instruction 24/09/07. This field documents which wind farm planning application is relevant. Additional cut lines added to split away Lincs, and Race Bank. Cut line locations agreed with GE/ES/AH. ***** USED IN THE DOCKING SHOAL ES 2007 v9 - 070427 - RS as v8, but amended to accomodate the alteration in the onshore ans saltmarsh sections of the cables. (change in onshore route for TCP application moved cable routes appox 20 m west and angle of routes from offshore to landing point across the saltmarsh). ***** v8 as v7, but amended to accomodate the alteration in the northern sections of the Race Bank cables, connecting to the proposed substation locations, where either two cables will each connect to two 250MW~ proposed substations OR where one cable will connect to two 125MW~ substations and two cables to one 250MW~. ***** v7 as v6 but saltmarsh onshore sections of cable amended to line up with onshore. ***** v6 As v5, but onshore sections of cable amended to line up with onshore Cable 310106 and to extend to substation. ***** v5 As v4... ... connected to the two 250MW~ proposed substations. Two cables connected to each. ***** v4 As v3... ... Docking Shoal cables connected to proposed substations, where two 125MW~ and one 250MW~ present. Two cables connected to the 250MW~ and one each to 125MW~ (EG/GE advised). ***** v3 As v2, but the northern sections are nudged 50 m east from dredging area. ***** v2 As v1 .... ...all sections in the middle of the wash shaped round a small intertidal area. Northern section (not to Lincs) moved to fit within geophysics survey areas and to avoid the larger sections of more sensetive biological areas (orange in washbiota_amec_region). v1 Acts as a buffer around the cables through the wash. In the onshore and saltmarsh sections the corridor is 50 metres wide buffering the outer cables by 2.5 metres. In the inter-tidal section the corridor is 500 metres wide buffering the outer cables by 25 metres. In the offshore sections the corridor is 2500 metres wide buffering the outer cables by 125 metres.


Data format

name of format

version of format

Constraints related to access and use

Constraint set

Use constraints


Constraint set

Limitations on public access

Acknowledge Centrica Renewable Energy Limited.

Responsible organisations

Responsible party

contact position

Round 2 Development Manager

organisation name

Centrica Energy Renewable Investments

email address

responsible party role


Responsible party

organisation name

Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd

email address

responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

contact position

Round 2 Development Manager

organisation name

Centrica Energy Renewable Investments

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
