

Bryological assessment for hydroelectric schemes in the West Highlands


This dataset provides assessment of over 5600 watercourse along the west coast of Scotland for their nationally/internationally important water-loving oceanic bryophyte (moss and liverwort) communities. The approach is applied in line with Scottish Natural Heritage’s 'Planning for Development - Service Statement'. The aim of the database is therefore to help users take account of Europe's most important watercourses for these species before selecting sites for potential hydro development. Individual watercourses, or sites that contain multiple watercourses, have been assessed for either their known (categories A-C) or potential (categories D-E) importance. The category descriptions provide clear guidance as to whether a watercourse is known to hold bryophytes or likely to be of low bryological importance, and whether further survey is recommended. This assessment only considers the impact of water abstraction on water-loving oceanic bryophytes and additional consideration should be given to direct impacts of construction on important bryophyte habitats (e.g. springs/flushes, ancient woodland, deadwood, bogs). The data was derived from the database saved in eRDMS B796293.The full methodology is described in SNH Commissioned Report 449b: Bryological assessment for hydroelectric schemes in the West Highlands (2nd edition).

Resource type


Resource locator

Unique resource identifier




Dataset language


Spatial reference system

code identifying the spatial reference system


Classification of spatial data and services

Topic category




Keyword set

keyword value

biosphere, organism, plant (biology), cryptogam, bryophyte

originating controlled vocabulary


GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1, 2012-07-20

reference date

date type


effective date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude



Extent group

authority code

code identifying the extent


Extent group

authority code

code identifying the extent


Temporal reference

Temporal extent

Begin position

End position

Dataset reference date

date type


effective date


date type


effective date


Frequency of update


Quality and validity


The full methodology is described in SNH Commissioned Report 449b: Bryological assessment for hydroelectric schemes in the West Highlands (2nd edition). \\n\\nIn summary, the points indicate the mid-point of the assessed section of a watercourse. These stretches are classified into five categories (A-E) as follows:\\n\\nA.The watercourse has been surveyed and has a score of six or more points. This means that sections of the watercourse supports a rich nationally and internationally important flora of uncommon hygrophilous oceanic bryophyte species (marker indicates approximate centre point of assessed reach). There is a high risk that hydro-development may not be appropriate on this watercourse (SNH may object or provide advice to SEPA with regards a CAR abstraction license). Further survey may help locate stretches of watercourse that do not support important bryophyte populations, but this is normally not the case where the entire watercourse is a steep wooded ravine. Early engagement with SNH (and SEPA) is highly recommended in line with our 'Planning for Development - Service Statement'.\\n\\nB.Targeted bryophyte survey required. The general area has been surveyed and has a score of six or more points (i.e. a rich flora of uncommon hygrophilous species), but the indicated watercourse and its environs form only a part of the site. The site species list may include records made well away from the watercourse, and this watercourse may be one of two or more watercourses within the site. Some of the records contributing to the site score may not therefore be from this particular watercourse and may not be relevant for consideration in relation to a proposed hydroelectric scheme. Targeted survey for the 29 water-loving oceanic bryophytes (listed in SNH Commissioned Report 449b) is therefore required. This survey should cover the entire length of watercourse that would be subject to altered flow.\\n\\nC.The watercourse has already been surveyed by expert bryologists and has a score of between 0 and 5 points. No further bryophyte survey is necessary in relation to a proposed hydroelectric scheme and the impact of reduced flow on bryophytes can be scoped out of further consideration.\\n\\nD.The watercourse has a score that is less than six points and is either unsurveyed or only partially surveyed by expert bryologists. However, maps and aerial photographs show topography and/or woodland that suggest potential for a site score exceeding six points. Targeted survey for the 29 water-loving oceanic bryophytes (listed in SNH Commissioned Report 449b) is therefore required. This survey should cover the entire length of watercourse that would be subject to altered flow.\\n\\nE.The watercourse has a score that is less than six points and is either unsurveyed (score = 0 points), or in a few cases partially surveyed. Maps and aerial photographs show a gentle watercourse gradient and/or little or no ravine topography or woodland, so it seems unlikely that the bryophyte flora present will score as much as six points (the threshold for category A assessment). No further bryophyte survey is necessary in relation to a proposed hydroelectric scheme and the impact of reduced flow on bryophytes can be scoped out of further consideration.\\n \\nNote: All uncategorised watercourses (those that are not depicted on the 1:250,000 OS map or to the east of the assessed area) should also be treated as Category E.


Data format

name of format

ESRI Shapefile

version of format


Constraints related to access and use

Constraint set

Use constraints

When these data are used in publications and lectures, the British Bryological Society (BBS) and Biological Records Centre (BRC) should be acknowledged. When the data are used by ecological consultants, statutory agencies or record centres other than BRC, then BBS and BRC should be acknowledged. If ecological consultants or record centres other than BRC supply the data to third parties, the source of the data should be made clear, along with an acknowledgement to BBS and BRC.

Constraint set

Limitations on public access

© SNH, BBS, BRC, licensed under the Open Government Licence

Responsible organisations

Responsible party

contact position

Data Supply Officer

organisation name

Scottish Natural Heritage

full postal address

Great Glen House, Leachkin Road



United Kingdom

telephone number

01463 725000

facsimile number

email address

responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

organisation name

Scottish Natural Heritage

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
