

2004 - 2007 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Benthos Sampling Data - Biotopes


This was a series of four cruises with the aim of collecting replicate samples of specific biotopes. - 2004 Mud biotope (Irish Sea and Celtic Deep) - Endeavour 09/2004 - 2005 Sand biotope (Bristol Channel) - Corystes 01/2005 - 2006 Gravel biotope and sand banks (Southern North Sea) - Endeavour 10a/2006 - 2007 Shell gravel (Western English Channel) - Endeavour 06/2007 Raw data, cruise reports and photos taken from these cruises can be found as links. Titles provided for papers written on the data.

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Spatial reference system

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Keyword set

keyword value

originating controlled vocabulary


SeaDataNet P021 parameter discovery vocabulary

reference date

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effective date


Keyword set

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originating controlled vocabulary


GEMET, version 1.0

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effective date


Geographic location

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Extent group

authority code


SeaVoX Vertical Co-ordinate Coverages

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effective date


code identifying the extent

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Quality and validity


Gear used included corers, grabs, 2m beam trawl, Agassiz trawl and 4m beam trawl. **Endeavour 09/2004:** - 27 samples were collected with the NIOZ cores, with samples taken for subsequent analysis of microbiota, meiofauna, macrofauna and PSA. - 90 samples were collected with the Day Grab for subsequent analysis of microbiota, meiofauna, macrofauna and PSA. - 8 valid tows were made with the anchor dredge, five in the Celtic Deep and three in the Irish Sea, with samples taken for the analysis of macrofauna. - 10 valid tows were made with the Agassiz trawl, five in the Irish Sea and five in the Celtic Deep. This gear generally yielded smaller catches in comparison with the 2m beam trawl. - 32 valid tows were made with the steel 2m-beam trawl: thirteen in the Irish Sea and nineteen in the Celtic Deep. - 6 valid tows were made with the 4m-beam trawl: three in the Celtic Deep and three in the Irish Sea. - 5 tows of the camera sledge were made on muddy habitats. - Sampling involved replicate sampling at a central station, with further sampling being carried out in a surrounding grid. **Corystes 01/2005:** - 16 samples were collected with the NIOZ corer, with samples taken for subsequent analysis of meiofauna, macrofauna and PSA. - 135 samples (5 samples for 27 stations) were collected with the Day Grab for subsequent analysis of meiofauna, macrofauna and PSA. - 15 valid tows were made with the Agassiz trawl, five at each prime station. This gear generally yielded smaller catches in comparison with the 2m-beam trawl. - 40 valid tows were made with the steel 2m-beam trawl. - 9 valid tows were made with the 4m-beam trawl, three at each prime station. - Sampling involved replicate sampling at a central station, with further sampling being carried out in a surrounding grid. **Endeavour 10a/2006:** Gravel Biotopes: - 5 successful Hamon Grab samples were collected at each of the two reference boxes. - 5 valid hauls were made with the Agassiz trawl at each of the two reference boxes. - 5 valid hauls were made with the 2m-beam trawl at each of the two reference boxes, with a further seven valid samples were collected from the surrounding area. - 5 valid hauls were made on the gravel habitat, with tows crossing both reference boxes. Catches were dominated by larger epifauna, including P. miliaris and Echinus esculentus. - The camera sledge was deployed, but due to low visibility, direct observations of these grounds were limited. Sand Bank Habitats: - 5 replicate samples were collected with the NIOZ corer on both the Swarte and Broken Banks. - 5 replicate samples were collected with the Day Grab at five sites along each sand bank and at single sites either side of these sand banks. Single samples (for meiofauna and PSA) were collected at either other sites samples with 2m-beam trawl - 5 valid hauls were made with the 2m-beam trawl at each main station on the Swarte and Broken Banks. A further four sites on each sand bank, and three sites either side of each sand bank were also sampled successfully. - 2 stations were fished successfully at sites between the Swarte and Broken Banks with the 4m-beam trawl. - 2 stations off the sand banks were sampled with the camera sledge at slack water, with reasonable visibility. **Endeavour 06/2007:** A shell-gravel biotope in the western English Channel was surveyed with replicate sampling of a variety of gear to sample epifauna and demersal fishes, with samples also collected for sedimentary analyses. The drop camera was deployed at all stations and confirmed the shelly nature of the seabed, although other seabed features (e.g. sand ripples) were also observed. Sampling was also undertaken on the coarse grounds of the 'Banc des Langoustiers'. In addition to this, the drop camera was also deployed on the bank itself, which comprised areas of bedrock, large boulders, as well as patches of shell-gravel with cobbles.Gear included: - Shippek Grab - Drop Camera - Agassiz Trawl - 2m Beam Trawl - 4m Beam Trawl


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Public data (Crown Copyright) - Open Government Licence Terms and Conditions apply

Constraint set

Limitations on public access

Public data (Crown Copyright) - Open Government Licence Terms and Conditions apply

Responsible organisations

Metadata on metadata

Metadata point of contact

contact position

Data Manager

organisation name

Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science

full postal address

Cefas Lowestoft Laboratory

Pakefield Road


NR33 0HT


telephone number

+44 (0)1502 562244

email address

responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
