Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - UK level habitat details
This dataset contains details of all the Habitat Reports that summarise the conservation status of Habitats listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to report on the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive. The 3rd UK Habitats Directive Report was submitted to the European Commission in 2013. The Report considered the conservation status of all terrestrial and marine habitats listed under Annex I of the Directive that were present within the UK during the reporting period (2007-2012). This included: * 69 terrestrial habitats within the UK Atlantic region; * 8 marine habitats within the UK Marine Atlantic region; This dataset presents the conclusions for each habitat together with a link to each individual habitat report (in pdf format). It also contains a range of parameters for each habitat as described in the UK Approach Document.
name: Habitats-Directive-A17-2013-UK-reporting-info-Habitat-details.csv
European Reporting
Article 17
Habitats Directive
Explanations of each of the parameters in the dataset can be found in the UK Approach document here This document also describes in some detail, the process used to compile these data. In summary the 2013 Habitat reports were based on a structure outlined in a set of guidelines produced by the European Commission. This is available here A key aspect of the UK approach was the provision of various sets of reporting information by the four statutory, country-level, nature conservation agencies – the Countryside Council for Wales (Now known as Natural Resources Wales) , Natural England, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Department of the Environment (Marine Division), and Scottish Natural Heritage – hereafter referred to as the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies. This country-level information covered both terrestrial areas and marine inshore waters, depending on the habitat or species concerned. JNCC acted in its fifth agency role for offshore waters, collecting information sets for three marine habitats occurring in UK offshore waters. It also took responsibility for the collation of information for mobile marine species across all UK marine waters. Country-level and offshore information sets were combined through an aggregation process carried out by JNCC. This formed the basis by which conservation status was assessed at a UKlevel and a UK report produced. Details of how the aggregation was achieved are given within the individual sections of this document. However, for some species and habitats, aggregation was not necessary because they were located entirely within a single country. Nor was any formal aggregation undertaken for mobile marine species, as JNCC collated all the necessary reporting information for both offshore and inshore locations, and then completed the UK-level report. A similar approach was taken for one marine habitat (H1180) – as only a small proportion of this occurred in Welsh inshore waters and the information supplied by CCW was incorporated UK Approach to Assessing Conservation Status 2013 Article 17 Reporting 2 directly into the UK report. The UK-level reports were reviewed by relevant specialists within the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies. For the marine mammal species and marine turtles, this process took place through the Inter-Agency Marine Mammal Working Group and the UK’s Turtle Implementation Group. Note that, although the format and scope of the country-level and offshore information sets was based largely on the EC reporting format used for UK reporting, there were some notable exceptions. This was partly because some fields were populated directly with UK-level information by JNCC (e.g. with range information, population trends for bats, and all information for marine mobile species), but also because some fields were not required in order to complete the UK-level report (including certain mapping, range, reasons for change and long-term trend fields, together with the Favourable Reference Value, country-level conclusions/qualifiers, and Natura 2000 surface area fields). Also, as the EC reporting format did not allow for the submission of substantial details as regards the underlying information sources and reasoning used in the production of the UK reports, such information was, where necessary, audited in the notes accompanying the country-level or offshore reporting information or within the UK reports. The first draft of the UK report was submitted to the EU in July 2013. The European Environment Agency validated these data and sent an error report back to JNCC. These errors were addressed and the data resubmitted in October 2013
Comma Separated Values
Released under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Attribution statement: "Contains public sector data © JNCC/NE/NRW/SNH/DOENI. Licence: OGL"
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Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC
Digital and Data Solutions, JNCC