Public Toilets Sheffield
This data set shows the locations and facilities details for public toilets available in Sheffield. Information made public as a result of a LGA incentive scheme. -
Section 21 Asset Register Links and Nodes
The registers are published in accordance with our statutory duty under Section 21 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 as Lead Local Flood Authority. -
School Localities
Boundary dataset showing the 7 school locality areas in Sheffield. -
Proposed Polling Districts
Proposed Polling Districts for Sheffield. -
Proposed Polling Stations
Proposed location of polling stations. -
Sheffield Public Rights Of Way
The Definitive Map and Statement (DMS) are the legal documents that record Public Rights Of Way (PROW). The existence of a path on the DMS is conclusive evidence in law that a... -
Sheffield Parks and Countryside Sites
This dataset shows Sheffield City Council Parks & Countryside Service Sites. Parks & Countryside Sites are sites which are managed and/or maintained and/or owned and/or... -
Pre Registration Conservation Areas
Pre Registration Conservation areas in Sheffield. -
Houses in Multiple Occupation Article 4
Houses of Multiple Occupation Article 4 Area in Sheffield. Within the Article 4 area, planning permission is required to convert a dwelling house (Use class C3) into an HMO for... -
Coal Mining Referral Area
Coal Mining Referral area showing areas of high development risk. The Development High Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains one or more... -
Affordable Housing Market Areas
Affordable Housing Market Areas in Sheffield. -
Ancient Monuments
Location of Ancient Monuments in Sheffield. -
Sheffield Listed Buildings
Spatial extent of all Listed Buildings within the Sheffield City Council Local Planning Area. Listing marks and celebrates a building's special architectural and historic... -
Sheffield Local Nature Reserves
Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities.... -
Sheffield SSSI
SSSIs are the UK’s very best wildlife and geological sites. They cover a range of important wildlife habitats and species from wetlands and rivers, to remote Moorland and peat... -
Open Watercourse Regions
Open watercourse areas in Sheffield. Watercourse data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and... -
Open Watercourse Links
Open Watercourses in Sheffield. Watercourse data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and... -
Family hubs
Location of Family Hubs in Sheffield -
Watercourse Culvert Links
Watercourse culvert links in Sheffield. Watercourse data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The positions and... -
Watercourse Culvert nodes
Watercourse Culvert node locations in Sheffield. Watercourse data shown is produced and populated from available Sheffield City Council new and historical information. The...