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455 results found

HMRC Business Plan Indicator and Quarterly Data Summary

Business plan indicators are initial management information to provide an indication of HMRC's performance, and are therefore subject to revision and audit. Final performance figures will be made...

Area Based Grants

Area Based Grant is a general grant allocated directly to local authorities as additional revenue funding to areas. It is allocated according to specific policy criteria rather than general...

LSOA (2011) to Upper Tier Local Authorities (December 2018) Best-Fit Lookup in EW (V2)

This file is a best-fit lookup between 2011 lower layer super output areas and upper tier local authorities in England and Wales as at 31 December 2018.  (File size - 4MB)Field Names - LSOA11CD,...

LSOA (2011) to Electoral Ward to LAD (December 2021) Best-Fit Lookup in England and Wales (V2)

This file is a best-fit lookup between 2011 lower layer super output areas, electoral wards/divisions and local authority districts in England and Wales as at 31 December 2021  (File Size - 7...

DCLG Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary

The Business plan quarterly data summary's (QDS) are designed to fit on a single page to provide a quarterly snapshot on how each department is spending its budget, the results it has achieved and...

Sub-regional Feed-in Tariffs statistics

Quarterly sub-regional statistics which show the number of installations and total installed capacity by technology type in England, Scotland and Wales at the end of the latest quarter that have...

Feed in Tariff commissioned installations statistics

Cumulative count and installed capacity of all installations deployed via the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Statistics are shown for GB, broken down by technology, size band and data source. From 2018...

Fitness costs and benefits of intergroup interactions in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

This is a dataset on mortality costs and reproductive success from intergroup conflict in banded mongooses, collected from a wild population of banded mongooses on the Mweya Peninsula, Queen...

Species point records from 1954 McIntyre Scottish inshore fishing grounds survey

A survey of three Scottish Inshore fishing grounds, giving quantitative, unbiased results of the standing crop of the Benthos. The granulometry scale used was not the Wentworth Scale, so the scale...

Habitat point records from 1954 McIntyre Scottish inshore fishing grounds survey

A survey of three Scottish Inshore fishing grounds, giving quantitative, unbiased results of the standing crop of the Benthos. The granulometry scale used was not the Wentworth Scale, so the scale...

Lifetime reproductive success and fitness estimates of long-tailed tits in the Rivelin Valley, Sheffield, UK, from 1994-2019

Dataset comprising data on the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of 879 individually marked long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus, a cooperatively breeding passerine. LRS is measured in terms of...

Approved Medical Examiner of Diving

Contains details of doctors that are appointed in writing by HSE to conduct statutory medicals to assess the fitness to work of divers, which is a regulatory requirement pre-employment and at...

Sports Classes and Participation

Sports classes in Council Sports Centres including, class, capacity and attendance. For more details on sports classes visit [Calderdale Sports and...

Indicative Parish Population estimates

Indicative parish population estimates derived from ONS mid-2018 small area population estimates, using best-fit aggregation. Indicative parish population estimates derived from ONS mid-2018 small...

Inventories for the Alkaline Fen and Transition Mire and Quaking Bog Annex 1 habitats in England

This is a new stand-alone inventory that incorporates all vegetation types that fit within the EC Habitats Directive Annex 1 habitats ‘Alkaline Fens' (AF) and 'Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs'...

Outdoor Gyms

We have 8 outdoor gyms, providing a mixture of cardiovascular, strength and toning equipment.  They are suitable for all abilities and fitness levels and all ages above 14 years.  Outdoor gyms are...

Special Health Authority Sites and Other Statutory Authorities

Several different organisation types which either did not warrant their own dedicated file at the point of creation, or did not easily fit within an existing file. Contains: Codes for:...

Indicative parish population estimates derived from ONS mid-2018

Indicative parish population estimates derived from ONS mid-2018 small area population estimates, using best-fit aggregation, with estimates provided in broad age groups. Please note that these...

Allotments - Craven District Council

Allotment gardens are available for a minimal yearly fee and are a great way to grow your own fruit and vegetables, make new friends and keep fit in the great outdoors.

Cabinet Office Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary

The Government has published the Business Plan Quarterly Data Summaries (QDS) The QDS are designed to fit on a single page to provide a quarterly snapshot on how each department is spending its...