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Orchard Fruit Survey

The Orchard Fruit Survey gathers data on the tree area of commercial orchards for the main varieties of orchard fruit. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National...

Fruit and vegetable wholesale prices

These publications give the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. Designation: Official Statistic Alternative title: Agricultural Market Reports The following...

School Fruit Monitoring

School fruit monitoring for pesticide residues

Fruit & Veg (FVP)

Scheme files incl customer/land/ payment/inspection/irregularity/correspondence data for fruit/veg. Includes bank account details.

Diet - x5 or more Fruit and Veg a day - 2014

Data showing Diet - x5 or more Fruit and veg a day - Plymouth - 2014 from the Health and Wellbeing Survey 2014

Performance Dashboard Imports of fruit and vegetables using the Procedure for Electronic Application for Certificates (PEACH) system

This dashboard shows information about how the Imports of fruit and vegetables using the Procedure for Electronic Application for Certificates (PEACH) system service is currently performing. This...

Nature Improvement Areas

NIAs are areas of the country where partnerships have been set up to enhance the natural environment. NIAs embody an integrated, holistic approach that was signalled in the Natural Environment...

Pesticide Usage Report on Orchard Fruit in the UK

Statistics on the use of pesticides in the United Kingdom The Food and Environment Research Agency is no longer a government agency. On 1st April 2015 Defra sold a majority share to Capita,...

Pesticide Usage Report on Soft Fruit in the UK

Statistics on the use of pesticides in the United Kingdom The Food and Environment Research Agency is no longer a government agency. On 1st April 2015 Defra sold a majority share to Capita,...

Natural England office locations

Natural England office locations. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright.

Proposed National Nature Reserves

The Proposed NNR layer is for internal use only. Anyone using the layer to assess a planning application or to answer an external enquiry should check first with the relevant Land Management team...

Natural England regional expenditure

Natural England regional expenditure for the financial years 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10.

Nature Recovery Projects (England)

This dataset defines the boundaries of twelve Nature Recovery Projects forming a key part of the 25 Year Environment Plan’s commitment to deliver the Nature Recovery Network (NRN). The twelve...

Local Nature Partnerships (England)

Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) are a key Environment White Paper commitment. There are forty eight strategic partnerships consisting of a wide range of local organisations with members drawn from...

National Nature Reserves (England)

A National Nature Reserve (NNR) is the land declared under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 or Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) as amended. The data does not include...

Natural England Area Teams

Natural England Area Team Patches and the 12 nautical miles offshore associated with those area teams that are also coastal. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance...

Local Nature Reserves (England)

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities. Parish and Town Councils...

Natural England Joint Nature Conservation Committee official briefings

Ministerial and senior official briefings prepared by the team. Providing an audit trail of the advice to ministers

Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Soft Fruit Crops 2012

Pestcide usage data on Scottish soft fruit crops in 2012. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Observations from the International Phenology Garden at Alice Holt, Hampshire (2005-2015)

These data are the annual records of observations of phenological phases of plants in the International Phenology Garden (IPG) at Alice Holt, Hampshire. The IPG network consists of replicated...