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NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

Children Living in Workless Households, Region

Proportion of children living in workless households Children aged 0-15 living in a household including at least one person aged 16 to 64. with no person in employment. Percentages are based on...

Independent Living Fund complaints data

Complaints database, correspondence with complainants, users, Independent Case Examiner (ICE), Public and Health Service Ombudsman, ILF appeal boards referrals and decisions. Contains personal and...

Independent Living Fund Finance data

Financial transactions data. Contains personal and sensitive data.

Independent Living Fund user data

Case files for individual Independent Living Fund (ILF) users, contains personal and sensitive personal data. Details of name, address, date of birth, financial information and data relating to an...

Independent Living Fund staff data

Staff personal details including contact information, date of birth, National Insurance number, next of kin, pay roll, pensions data, bank details, health information, union membership, staff...

Independent Living Fund recruitment data

Applicant and equal opportunities data. Sensitive personal data.

Autism Spectrum Disorders in adults living in households throughout England

A Clinical Evaluation of the Diagnosis of Autistic Disorder in the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - a technical study to help establish methods for studing the epidemiology of autism spectrum...

Adults with a Psychotic Disorder Living in Private Households

Presents findings relating to the circumstances of people with psychosis living in the community from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among adults aged 16 to 74 living in private households in...

Independent Living Fund third party data - user files

Award manager, other contacts, payroll companies, accountants. Contains personal data.

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Adults Living in Private Households

Presents the findings of a survey of psychiatric morbidity among adults aged 16 to 74 living in private households in Great Britain. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Mental health of adults living in private households in Great Britain

The report describes a longitudinal study based on two surveys carried out by ONS among adults living in private households in Great Britain. Source agency: Office for National...

Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) by sex and living arrangements

Population broken down by age, gender and whether living in a couple or not. Data is counted for the household head only. Census Area Statistics Table CAS005 Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

Farm Household Income and Household Composition, England

Information on farm household income and farm household composition. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

household characteristics

tenure trends at national and regional levels; cross-tenure comparisons of characteristics of households and their accommodation; overcrowding and under-occupation; need for specially adapted...

Disability Living Allowance

Disability Living Allowance is paid to qualifying customers who become disabled before the age of 65. Data is produced on a monthly basis and contains individual level information. The data...

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 15) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 15) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households. *This indicator has been discontinued.

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 18) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households

Percentage of Children (aged 0- 18) living in Out-of-work Benefit Claimant Households. *This indicator has been discontinued.

Households in temporary accommodation per 1000 households, England, District

This dataset contains the numbers of households accommodated by local authorities per 1000 households, broken down by local authority. The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to...