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17,276 results found

England Natural Environment Indicators

The indicators developed to measure progress against the Natural Environment White Paper which is the Government’s vision for the natural environment over the next 50 years. Source agency:...

Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment

MENE collects information about visits to the natural environment. This includes the type of destination, the duration of the visit, mode of transport, distance travelled, expenditure, main...

Spend over £25,000 in the Natural Environment Research Council

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Natural Environment Research Council as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Environment Agency to Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names Translation

This is the Environment Agency controlled list of old (pre-April 2014) Environment Agency Area Names and current Environment Agency and Natural England Area Names. It is for cross-reference...

Freshwater Fish Counts for all Species, all Areas and all Years

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the 'Freshwater fish surveys (NFPD)' dataset and is now Retired. As of March 2020 All data formerly available in 'Freshwater Fish Counts for all...

TraC Fish Counts for all Species for all Estuaries and all years

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by the Transitional & coastal water fish surveys (NFPD) and is now retired. The National Fish Populations Database (NFPD): TraC Fish Counts for...

Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names v2

This is the controlled list of 14 operational area names, codes and descriptions of the Environment Agency and Natural England. This is the standard list for re-use across the Environment Agency...

Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names v1

Please note: This dataset has been superceded by dataset: Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names v2. This is the archived version 1 of the authoritative controlled list...

Administrative Boundaries - Environment Agency and Natural England Public Face Areas

Public Facing Administrative Boundaries set at 1:10,000 scale. Public Face boundaries are attributed with standardised names and codes for each area. This dataset is for Environment Agency and...

Estimated abstractions from all sources except tidal by purpose and Environment Agency region: 2000 - 2010

Estimated abstractions from all sources except tidal by purpose and Environment Agency region: 2000 - 2010

2010 Natural England and Environment Agency Falmouth and Helford Benthic Grab Survey

Survey name: 2010 Natural England and Environment Agency Falmouth and Helford Benthic Grab Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments....

2009 Natural England and Environment Agency Falmouth and Helford Benthic Grab Survey

Survey name: 2009 Natural England and Environment Agency Falmouth and Helford Benthic Grab Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments....

2013 Natural England and Environment Agency Falmouth and Helford Benthic Grab Survey

Survey name: 2013 Natural England and Environment Agency Falmouth and Helford Benthic Grab Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments....

2013 Natural England and Environment Agency Exe Estuary Benthic Grab Survey

Survey name: 2013 Natural England and Environment Agency Exe Estuary Benthic Grab Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey...

2011 Natural England and Environment Agency Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Benthic Grab Survey

Survey name: 2011 Natural England and Environment Agency Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Benthic Grab Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

All GPC Transparency Reports

The Food Standards Agency publishes all Government procurement card (GPC) transactions. This supports the Government's drive for transparency and the Agency's own core value of openness and...

Incidence of all skin cancers (all)

Cancer registrations for all skin cancers per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

Environment Registry

Defra's beta service that serves the Defra networks connective reference data such as code lists and vocabularies with persistent identifiers in RDF ttl, RDF xml and JSON-LD withCSV coming...

NI 120 - All-age all cause mortality

The directly age and sex standardised mortality rate per 100,000 population, from all causes at all ages. Deaths include all causes classified by underlying cause of death (ICD-10 A00-Y99,...

NI 120 - All-age all cause mortality

The directly age and sex standardised mortality rate per 100,000 population, from all causes at all ages. Deaths include all causes classified by underlying cause of death (ICD-10 A00-Y99,...